The New York City civil service exam schedule is open for February, and some jobs pay more than others.
The application period for exams opened Feb. 5.
Exam applications currently open include: actuarial specialist; assistant chemical engineer; cyber security analyst; fire alarm dispatcher; inspector (construction); occupational therapist (DOE); physical therapist (DOE); police administrative aide; special officer; special officer (NYC H+H); workers’ compensation benefits examiner.
The starting salary for each career varies, according to the city.
Open, competitive, computer-based tests are administered throughout each month for various positions. If you meet the basic requirements of the job, you can apply for your exam online at Online Application System (OASys) or at one of the Computer-Based Testing and Application Centers (CTAC).
These exams have a deadline of Feb. 25.
Additionally, the application remains open for the following roles: call center representative, through Feb. 25; correction officer, through Feb. 28; environmental police officer, through March 10; police communications technician, through Feb. 28; police officer, through March 25; school safety agent, through April 15; traffic enforcement agent, through March 18.
Here is the starting salary, deadline and job description for each career, according to the city.
Actuarial specialist
Salary: $51,130
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: At Assignment Level I: Actuarial Specialists, under direction, with varying degrees of latitude for independent initiative, perform technical and supervisory work for the Office of the Actuary in applied actuarial science in which they evaluate assets and liabilities of pension funds, compute mortality and service experience of participants of pension funds, and calculate annuities and pensions for the retirement systems of The City of New York, in accordance with prescribed methods, procedures and instructions. All Actuarial Specialists perform related work.
Assistant chemical engineer
Salary: $64,242
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Assistant Chemical Engineers, under supervision, perform chemical engineering work of moderate difficulty and responsibility. They engage in research, investigations, studies or examinations related to the engineering functions or activities of a department or agency; prepare designs, plans, contract and working drawings, contract specifications and other technical specifications, and estimates of quantities; participate in, and may supervise, major inspection operations by observing, checking and certifying the installation of materials or equipment, and by attesting to the performance and the results of tests of materials and equipment in a laboratory, manufacturer’s plant or on a job site; participate in, and may supervise, the inspection of premises in connection with the enforcement of fire prevention laws and regulations relating to the storage, sale, manufacture, use or transportation of combustibles and other hazardous materials, or to the provision and operating condition of required fire safeguards; participate in, and may supervise, the operation and maintenance of public works and the preparation of recommendations for alterations or repairs; may operate a motor vehicle.
Cyber security analyst
Salary: $61,093
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Cyber Security Analysts perform work of varying degrees of difficulty and/or responsibilities involved in architecture analysis, software development, and data analysis; cyber event alert triage, documentation, and investigation; cyber security policy development and review, auditing, and risk management.
Fire alarm dispatcher
Salary: $49,902
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Fire Alarm Dispatchers, under direct supervision in a Communications facility or under general supervision in the field, receive and transmit alarms of fire and emergency using various systems including the Computer Assisted Dispatch System (CADS), Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs), telephone, voice alarm, Emergency Reporting System (ERS), two-way radios, PC-based database programs, etc.; receive and process calls in regard to administrative issues or complaints from New York City Fire Department (FDNY) field units, other FDNY bureaus, City agencies and/or the public; interpret information received and use the computer keyboard to enter data into the computer for release to fire companies; determine the amount and type of apparatus, and which units to send to alarms; relocate companies as needed; adjust the number and/or type of units at fire scenes based on the condition and/or predetermined response assignment protocols; operate department radio and voice alarm systems to announce alarms and receive fire company acknowledgments of response to alarms; announce special messages and notify designated parties of incidents, as required.
Inspector (construction)
Salary: $54,670
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Inspectors (Construction) under general supervision, perform technical work in the inspection of construction, repair or alteration of structures to ensure conformance with building codes, standards, plans and specifications and issue summonses for non-compliance. They visit work locations and inspect structures under construction, alteration or repair, including structural components of one- and two-family dwellings to ensure compliance with laws, ordinances and approved plans and specifications; perform field surveys and sweeps of work sites and structures to check for conformance to codes, rules, laws, plans or specifications; using specified guidelines and standards, inspect structures under construction, alteration or repair for conformance to codes, rules, laws, plans or specifications; study architectural and engineering drawings of buildings and structures to obtain details for inspection; inspect and issue violations for unsafe conditions found in buildings damaged by fires or accidents and in buildings prior to or after being moved; inspect manholes, trunk lines, and transformer vaults during construction; inspect job sites for compliance with zoning and labor laws; inspect demolition of structures; inspect theaters, hotels, hospitals, halls, amusement park structures and other places of assembly as to conditions of safety; check all material used as to quality, grade marks and identifying marks; investigate and report on complaints of violations of building codes and assist in prosecution of cases; issue violations and summonses; testify in court; explain and interpret building codes and regulations; prepare reports of inspections; may supervise and train Apprentice Inspectors (Construction); and operate a motor vehicle in the performance of assigned duties.
Occupational therapist (DOE)
Salary: $77,864
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Occupational Therapists (DOE), under varying degrees of supervision, provide School-Based Occupational Therapy services to students with disabilities which may include an itinerant component, of which an assignment includes duties in more than one work location in a given day and/or week. Job duties include but are not limited to evaluating students to determine the need for Occupational Therapy, provision of inclusive services, developing therapeutic treatment plans, and incorporating individualized classroom routines, adapting the environment and modifying tasks to facilitate the students’ participation in schoolbased activities including adapting the environment to foster a conducive atmosphere for learning and social participation, and utilizing computer systems in connection with assignment and documentation.
Physical therapist (DOE)
Salary: $77,864
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Physical Therapists (DOE), under varying degrees of supervision, administer professional and responsible physical therapy services to students with disabilities which may include the utilization of computer systems in connection with assignment.
Police administrative aide
Salary: $40,957
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Police Administrative Aides, under supervision, with some latitude for independent action, initiative or decision, perform responsible and difficult clerical, typing, word processing and data entry tasks in a police station or other department unit, command or office. They perform administrative work of moderate difficulty involving the handling of confidential and other information and material; refer members of the public who ask for assistance to the appropriate City agency; utilize manual and automated office systems; type records, reports, forms and schedules; review and verify written information; receive, send, separate and distribute mail; obtain from and transmit information to the public or members of the police department; occasionally perform cashier or messenger duties.
Special officer
Salary: $38,064
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Special Officers under supervision, perform Special Officer work of ordinary difficulty and responsibility relating to physical security, safety, loss prevention and maintenance of order. They patrol designated areas of public buildings, other facilities, and surrounding areas to maintain order, preserve the peace, and safeguard life and property against fire, vandalism, theft, etc.; give routine information to visitors and service recipients and direct them to the proper individuals and offices; discourage and eject loiterers and disorderly persons and when appropriate, arrest and issue summonses to law violators on premises; transport, escort and/or arrange for transport of persons in custody to police precincts and have arrests recorded on police blotter; prepare and transmit all necessary documents relating to arrests; testify in court on arrests; report security instances and unusual occurrences by telephone or radio and make subsequent written reports; as required, provide assistance to the sick, injured, mentally and physically disabled, and call for ambulances and/or medical attention when necessary and complete and forward forms; record daily actions in memo book; maintain records of persons entering or leaving building; keep bulletin board in their area current by adding and removing materials; may make clock rounds as required; may control vehicular traffic on grounds and/or premises; may operate a motor vehicle; monitor and report unusual events from security systems as required; distribute and maintain accountability for designated equipment or property; monitor and control access by the means of electronic security measures, such as closed circuit television; access control readers; may operate hydraulic access devices; attend, complete, and maintain training requirements as per State and Agency mandates; make written entries into location log book; and perform related work.
Special officer (NYC H+H)
Salary: $38,064
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Special Officers (NYC H+H), under supervision, perform Special Officer (NYC H+H) work of ordinary difficulty and responsibility relating to physical security, safety, loss prevention and maintenance of order. They patrol designated areas of public buildings, other facilities, and surrounding areas to maintain order, preserve the peace, and safeguard life and property against fire, vandalism, theft, etc.; may operate and monitor Weapons Detections System to identify weapons and other prohibited items; and follow established protocols, where appropriate; give routine information to visitors and clients and direct them to the proper individuals and offices; discourage and eject loiterers and disorderly persons and when appropriate, arrest and issue summonses to law violators on premises; transport, escort and/or arrange for transport of persons in custody to police precincts and have arrests recorded in the appropriate police records; prepare and transmit all necessary documents relating to arrests; testify in court on arrests; report security instances and unusual occurrences by telephone or radio and make subsequent written reports; as required, provide assistance to the sick, injured, mentally and physically disabled, and call for ambulances and/or medical attention when necessary and complete and forward forms; record daily actions in memo book; maintain records of persons entering or leaving building outside regular hours of employment; keep bulletin board in their area current by adding and removing materials; may make clock rounds as required; may control vehicular traffic on grounds and/or premises; may operate a motor vehicle; monitor and report unusual events from security systems as required; distribute and maintain accountability for designated equipment or property; monitor and control access by the means of electronic security measures, such as security video technology; access control technology; may operate hydraulic access devices; attend, complete, and maintain training requirements as per State and NYC Health + Hospitals mandates; make written entries into location log books; and perform related work.
Workers’ compensation benefits examiner
Salary: $46,583
Application deadline: Feb. 25
Job description: Workers’ Compensation Benefits Examiners work at varying degrees of difficulty and responsibility involving the processing and payment of claims and case management, utilizing computers. There are three Assignment Levels within this class of positions. At Assignment Level IA, Workers’ Compensation Benefits Examiners, under direct supervision, receive and process incoming workers’ compensation claims. Examples of typical tasks include: reviewing accident reports and other documents related to incoming claims to determine workers’ compensation coverage; setting up computer files, entering information into the computer and updating computer records; contacting City agency staff to make inquiries regarding claims; returning incomplete claims to the appropriate party for additional information; gathering information from case files or computer records and preparing written material and forms for distribution; responding to telephone inquiries from claimants and their attorneys and physicians; scheduling independent medical examinations to determine entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits; making inquiries about medical background of claimants; reviewing pending cases for possible third party coverage; preparing recommendations for compensation; and processing payments for medical treatment.
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