Sever the cords, Leo. They only simply bind your heart down, anchoring it to the grime and filth you wish to escape from. Who were you before all this happened to you? It’s time to remember that, instead of internalising every false accusation that was levied upon you. You may be living through glimpses of your unlived childhood through either children that surround you, or through flashes of memory that keep taking you back, or simply through the joys that you now have that you once wished for. Either way, Scorpio, this month is all about expansion for you at an energetic and spiritual level. Now tell us, Sag, have you felt a disconnection with the heavens above and the earth beneath your feet lately? Yes, we hear you, so hit that pause, get on that grass or that beach barefoot, swim in the water, dig your hands into the earth, sow some seeds, turn off your phone for a bit, and turn on life mode. Abundance is all around you, and is here to stay so why the rush to constantly be somewhere else? Trust those moonlit vibes, Pisces. This month going deep into your personal lunar rhythms will do you a lot more good than you can possibly imagine. Yes, your sensitivity might feel heightened as you not only explore new emotions but also successfully learn to navigate and befriend them, while also learning to caress them when need be.
Here are your guidance based soulcopes for 2025. Remember to read your sun, moon and rising sign to make the most of the month that lies ahead.
You are working very closely with your guardian angel this month, and hence, this is a personally transformative and significant time for you, especially as we work our way towards your birth season! You know more than you give yourself credit for, Aries, so learn to trust in yourself a little more. Resting it out before going full throttle mid month may be the smartest move you make, because when you really take time to notice, the Universe knows exactly when you have the bandwidth for things and only ever brings it your way then. So work towards your goals, but leave the forced need to push and toil behind. It’s all good. It’s all on time.
Power Crystal: Pink Tourmaline, to foster emotional healing, spiritual growth and alleviate stress.
Taurus, what if you were told that you are not here to make money and build a life in one single way? Instead you are here to share whatever you have taking up whatever comes your way that ‘feels right’ at different points in time? Yes, we hear that sigh of relief! Yes, you are here for so much more than the box you’ve been confining yourself into. Yes you are here to share your gifts. And YES prosperity and everything flows to you as a byproduct of you feeling fulfilled in whatever you do without typecasting yourself into any category. You are multidimensional and that’s all you got to remember.
Power Crystal: Yellow Aventurine, boosts confidence, creativity and prosperity.
Expect the miraculous when you choose to give life and the cosmos a chance, Gemini. Here you are sitting on your multidimensional throne zooming through a vortex that transforms at will. The beauty of this month is that you will never know what magical things to truly expect until they arrive, but all it asks from you in return is for you to be rooted in self-love, humility, compassion and service. You are here to spread your light in whatever ways you do best. So continue to do that and let the cosmos enthral you.
Power Crystal: Kunzite, to deep clean your heart center and infuse it with life.
You can either keep fighting the dark, getting triggered by all the million ways in which it overwhelms you, or you can choose to get to the core and nip it in the bud. The energy it takes from you is the same – the only difference is in the results that it leaves you with. There is a sense of relief that surrounds you this month,Cancer, and it comes from the sheer fact that you are choosing to take a chance on yourself for the very first time in your life. This subtle inner shift is transforming your entire trajectory in unimaginably wonderful ways. Keep your flame on to keep consuming the dark – turning it to light.
Power Crystal: Black obsidian, to bring the shadow to light.
Sever the cords, Leo. They only simply bind your heart down, anchoring it to the grime and filth you wish to escape from. Who were you before all this happened to you? It’s time to remember that, instead of internalising every false accusation that was levied upon you. It’s time to remember your core nature, before you were traumatised. It is time to shed light upon corners of your soul that carry burdens that are not even yours any more. It is time for you to ask yourself – are you really who you think you are or wish to be? If not, step up to change the game and simply let go.
Power Crystal: Blue Kyanite, to let go.
You are healing but it is also now time to remember – your old soul gifts, your inner self, your naturally joyful demeanor, your effervescence, your light, Virgo. You’ve been shouldering responsibility for way too long, and although it may feel like second nature now, you must let it all go. You must choose to not allow external distractions and judgements get the better of you, you must not allow your inner critic to tell you that you need to be more. You must, instead, be one with nature – spend time with your pets and those who see your light, grow a plant or two, make your health a priority, talk lovingly to your water and food – infuse love and tenderness in every single thing you choose to do. That is all you need.
Power Crystal: Malachite and Lemurian Quartz, for healing and remembering.
The heavens above sing a beautiful song for you this month, Libra – one that is harmonious, one that feels bright, one that brings peace and is not rushed. While there may be an unknown sense of sorrow that may be leaving your body and heart, it feels almost bittersweet like a soothing balm gently caressing a wound you know will get better with time. You are healing massively, shedding lifetimes of drama, emotions and perhaps even subconscious ancestral narratives that feel just too heavy to carry forward. Be gentle with yourself, sprinkle kindness in all you consume each day and take it one day at a time.
Power Crystal: Chrysocolla Chalcedony, for integration, expression and embodiment.
You may be living through glimpses of your unlived childhood through either children that surround you, or through flashes of memory that keep taking you back, or simply through the joys that you now have that you once wished for. Either way, Scorpio, this month is all about expansion for you at an energetic and spiritual level. The storms beneath the surface find ways of either calming down or releasing or healing for good. You transform in intangible ways adding more meaning, heart and soul to your life. If that is not what you’ve prayed for, then what is?
Power Crystal: Selenite, to calm those nerves, get some sleep and connect with peace and your guides.
Now tell us, Sag, have you felt a disconnection with the heavens above and the earth beneath your feet lately? Yes, we hear you, so hit that pause, get on that grass or that beach barefoot, swim in the water, dig your hands into the earth, sow some seeds, turn off your phone for a bit, and turn on life mode. Abundance is all around you, and is here to stay so why the rush to constantly be somewhere else? Reflecting on where you wish to be headed in life will really take you far, but trying to be everywhere at once while having no energy left to be anywhere at all is taking more from you than giving you. Reconnect with Mama Gaia this month to hit reset.
Power Crystal: Citrine, for magical manifestation.
How much is too much and how little is enough, Capricorn? When you look at the vast expanse of the cosmos and then come back to your reality – don’t you ever wonder how miniscule yet significant your life is all in one melting moment? Yes, you’ve got plans, yes, you’ve got to hit your targets, but also yes, you have to enjoy this life, yes you also have to nurture your relationships and yes, you also have to feel that overflow once again. And this is only possible when you discern who you wish to give to, what you wish to offer and when you wish to withdraw. It is not called being selfish – it is called being judicious with your time, energy and efforts only focussing on that which mutually nourishes you, even if not in that instance but in the long run.
Power Crystal: Red Jasper, to draw those energetic lines in the sand.
Well if you keep waiting, you may just keep looking in vain Aquarius, because guess what – you are meant to take the lead. You hold the steering wheel, you also have the roadmap all lined out, seatbelt all buckled in – then step on the accelerator. We are rushing into Aries season mid month and this is the time where you weave in your mental acuity and expertise with the passion filled energetics that your dreams are about to enter into. Show up authentically, speak the words you believe in, inspire yourself everyday and in turn you will be unknowingly inspiring others too. Make it large and make it count!
Power Crystal: Azurite, for expansion and integrating new perspectives.
Trust those moonlit vibes, Pisces. This month going deep into your personal lunar rhythms will do you a lot more good than you can possibly imagine. Yes, your sensitivity might feel heightened as you not only explore new emotions but also successfully learn to navigate and befriend them, while also learning to caress them when need be. When your intuition tells you something is off, it most likely is. Similarly when your inner voice aka your guides tell you to leap – you jump through hoops if you have to. New chapters need you to raise your vibe and your standards, remember that all through the month.
Power Crystal: Tiger’s eye, for willpower, courage and determination.
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Are you expecting a job offer or communication with your romantic partner? Look for your Sun sign in the daily horoscope below and find out.Aries Daily Horoscop