Today, many people worry about their jobs becoming obsolete due to advancing technology. If you go back to the Middle Ages, you’ll find numerous professions—some requiring skill and learning, others chosen out of desperation—that have since vanished. Many of these jobs disappeared as societies and technologies evolved, leaving behind a fascinating snapshot of medieval life. Here are some of the most intriguing medieval jobs that disappeared over time.
Alchemist: Turning Lead into Gold (or So They Hoped)
Alchemy was a complex blend of science, mysticism, and philosophy during the Middle Ages. Practitioners believed in the possibility of transforming base metals like lead into gold, creating the Philosopher’s Stone, and discovering the Elixir of Life. These pursuits symbolised not only material wealth but also spiritual enlightenment.
Medieval alchemists relied on techniques such as distillation, sublimation, and calcination, many of which contributed to the development of modern chemistry. Some prominent figures, like Albertus Magnus and Roger Bacon, explored alchemy as part of their broader scientific inquiries. However, alchemy’s reliance on secrecy and cryptic language often gave it an air of mystery and superstition.
By the 17th century, the field was increasingly discredited as a pseudoscience. The rise of modern chemistry marked the end of alchemy as a serious academic pursuit.
Alewife: The Brewing Business Run by Women
During the Middle Ages, alewives were central to the brewing industry, particularly in England and northern Europe. Brewing ale was considered a domestic task, and women brewed small batches at home, selling the surplus to neighbours and passersby.
The role of the alewife was so significant that early brewing laws and regulations often specifically referenced women. For instance, the Assize of Ale regulated the quality and price of ale, which alewives were expected to adhere to. In many towns, alewives would display a broomstick or greenery outside their homes to advertise that ale was for sale.

By the 15th century, commercial brewing began to dominate the industry, with male-led guilds increasingly taking control. This transition, coupled with laws limiting women’s independence, led to the decline of alewives as a profession.
Cup Bearer: Trusted to Protect the King from Poison
The Cup Bearer held a unique combination of ceremonial and practical duties at medieval courts. In addition to serving drinks, they were responsible for ensuring the safety of the beverages—a vital task in an era of frequent political intrigue and assassination attempts.

In some cases, Cup Bearers were considered confidants or advisors, gaining influence due to their proximity to the monarch. Historical records show that this role was not limited to Europe. Similar positions existed in other cultures, such as the saqī in Islamic courts, who oversaw the serving of wine and other drinks.
By the Renaissance, the role of Cup Bearer became largely ceremonial, though its influence in earlier periods highlights the importance of trust and loyalty in medieval court politics.
Galley Rower: The Most Gruelling Job on the High Seas
Galley rowers were essential to naval warfare and trade in the medieval Mediterranean. These vessels required immense human power to maintain their speed and manoeuvrability, particularly in combat situations. Rowers were often packed tightly together, enduring harsh conditions and the constant threat of punishment if they slowed down.

While some rowers were freemen or conscripts, many were slaves, captured during wars or raids. For example, the Ottoman Empire and Venetian Republic frequently relied on enslaved rowers to staff their fleets. Despite their critical role, rowers were treated as expendable and often worked to exhaustion or death.
As sailing technology improved in the 16th century, galleys were gradually replaced by ships powered by wind, making this profession obsolete.
Gong Farmer: Cleaning the Privies
Gong Farmers were critical to maintaining public hygiene in medieval cities. In addition to removing human waste from cesspits, they were sometimes tasked with transporting the material to farms, where it was used as fertiliser.

Their work was governed by strict laws, such as the requirement to clear cesspits at least twice a year. Despite the hazardous nature of their job, Gong Farmers were relatively well-paid, earning more than many other labourers. However, the risks were significant. Poisonous gases like methane and ammonia made cesspits dangerous, and accidents could be fatal.
By the early modern period, advancements in sanitation, such as sewers, rendered this profession unnecessary, though its legacy is a reminder of the ingenuity required to manage waste before modern plumbing.
Peddler: Wandering Merchants of the Middle Ages
Peddlers were vital to the medieval economy, particularly in rural areas where markets were scarce. Their ability to bring goods like spices, cloth, and tools to isolated communities helped bridge the gap between urban centres and the countryside.

Medieval authorities often regulated peddlers, requiring them to hold licenses or pay fees to sell their goods. In some regions, they were even associated with early forms of taxation, as officials collected duties on their wares.
While they were occasionally viewed as swindlers or thieves, many peddlers also served as informal news carriers, spreading stories and gossip between the villages they visited. Their importance waned with the rise of permanent marketplaces and more structured trade networks.
Reeve: The Estate Manager
The reeve was a key figure in the medieval feudal system. This local official was responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a manor, including supervising workers, collecting rents, and mediating disputes among tenants.
Reeves were often chosen from among the peasantry and served for one-year terms, making them both representatives of the lord and their fellow villagers. While the role provided a certain level of authority, it also came with significant pressure, as they were accountable to their lords for any problems on the estate.
As feudalism declined, the reeve’s role faded. However, the title survives in some places, such as certain Canadian municipalities where officials are still called reeves.
Scribe: Masters of Writing
Scribes were the guardians of written knowledge during the Middle Ages, tasked with creating and preserving documents. In monasteries, scribes worked in scriptoriums, copying religious texts, legal records, and scientific treatises by hand.

A single manuscript could take months or years to complete, with scribes using quills made from bird feathers and ink derived from natural sources like oak galls. Illuminators often collaborated with scribes to add decorative elements to the text, turning many manuscripts into works of art.
By the late Middle Ages, urban professionals began to replace monastic scribes, but the invention of the printing press ultimately rendered the profession obsolete. The meticulous work of medieval scribes remains a testament to their dedication and skill.
Town Crier: Announcing the News
Town criers were the voice of medieval authority, delivering news and proclamations to communities. Their announcements included royal decrees, local regulations, and event schedules, often accompanied by the ringing of a bell to gather attention.

Because literacy was limited, town criers provided an essential service, ensuring that critical information reached the public. They were often employed by local councils and were protected by law—harming a town crier was considered treason.
Over time, as literacy rates increased and printed materials became widespread, the role of the town crier declined. Today, it survives primarily as a ceremonial tradition.
Water Carrier: Delivering Life’s Essentials
In medieval cities, access to clean water was often unevenly distributed. Those who lived near rivers or wells could fetch their own water, but many urban residents depended on water carriers to meet their daily needs. These workers, often young men, hauled buckets of water from central sources like wells or public conduits and delivered them to households or businesses.

In cities like London, where water was in high demand, elaborate conduit systems were constructed to transport fresh water from springs outside the city. By the early 15th century, London had twelve such systems, with some carrying water distances of a mile or more. However, the final step—getting the water from the conduit to people’s homes—fell to water carriers, also known as “cobs.”
The job of a water carrier was physically demanding and required strength and endurance. They carried heavy wooden buckets or barrels on their shoulders or backs, making multiple trips each day. Despite the grueling nature of the work, it was one of the few urban jobs available to the poor, particularly young men seeking a modest income.
By the late Middle Ages, water carriers in London had organised into a fraternity to regulate their trade and protect their rights. This informal guild ensured fair competition and maintained standards for their service.
With the advent of municipal water systems in the 17th and 18th centuries, the role of the water carrier began to disappear. Piped water replaced the need for manual delivery, transforming urban water access and bringing an end to this once-vital profession.
The jobs of the Middle Ages reveal a world both familiar and alien, shaped by the needs, fears, and ingenuity of the time. While these professions may have faded into history, they offer us a window into the challenges and innovations of medieval society. From alchemists striving for impossible transformations to water carriers delivering life’s essentials, these vanished roles remind us of how much our lives—and work—have evolved. Which of these jobs would you have dared to take on?
See also: Obsolete Occupations from the Middle Ages
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