Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
The Virgo sun and unpredictable Uranus work together today to shake up your life and draw you out of your comfort zone. This might sound like the last thing you want, but when you’re stuck in a rut, a bit of unexpected change can be exactly what you need. Surprising opportunities might fall into your lap, new people might challenge you to see the world through fresh eyes, or you might finally feel ready to take a risk you’ve long dreamed about. A bold and adventurous attitude toward change could transform your life for the better.
Find the daily horoscope for each zodiac sign, below.
It sometimes seems to you like everyone else is much further along in life. Maybe they all appear to be enjoying more professional success; maybe they’ve hit the personal milestones that you’re still working toward; maybe they simply seem, on some deeper level, to have figured things out. As you look around, there’s a part of you that imagines you need to follow their lead. But today, especially, trying to squeeze yourself into someone else’s mold would be a mistake. You’ll find the greatest happiness and success by leaning into what makes you uniquely and unmistakably you.
People sometimes insist that changing your mind-set is enough to change your life, but you know better: Your material circumstances matter as much as, if not more, and they’re shaped by tangible forces outside your control. Today, though, your own thinking will have a much greater effect than you realize. Simply believing that you deserve to be happy and that you have the power to change your life won’t get you all the way across the finish line — but it will make it possible to finally take the first step.
For better or for worse, it can feel lately as though everything will stay roughly the same forever. But it’s possible for life to change in an instant, for walls to fall down, for solutions that seemed futile yesterday to become suddenly feasible. Today, in particular, you might find yourself on a wholly new trajectory, and your job is simply to go with it. Don’t cling to the past: Trust that better things are up ahead.
Life could feel a bit dull today. You’ve done your best to make solid choices, treat others right, and be a good person, but a part of you wonders what the point of all that work was. You want something more, but you don’t know exactly what — or how to get it. If you try to solve your existential quandaries on your own, you’ll probably only go around in circles, so turn to your friends. Sometimes, other people can see our problems — and the solutions to them — more clearly than we can.
If you say that you can’t do something because it’s outside your skill set, you’re not being modest, just realistic. At least, that’s what you tell yourself. You may be right — but you may also find that you’re capable of much more than you thought. Don’t push yourself to try something you’re truly uncomfortable with, but stretching your limits a bit might do you good today. Have faith that you’ll be able to rise to the occasion.
When you’re forced to choose, you’ll typically opt for the smart, rational choice over the risky but exhilarating one. You value a good story as much as anyone, and you want a life filled with rich and fascinating experiences — but not if it means opening the door to unnecessary chaos. Today, though, the best thing you can do for yourself is to choose the interesting path rather than the safe one. Risk making bad choices and getting things wrong: Sometimes it’s the only way to grow.
Although you’re always happy to lend a hand to a friend in need, you don’t always feel supported in return. Lately you’ve felt especially isolated and unsupported, left to deal with your problems on your own. Today, though, that could change. A friend may offer an unexpected favor, or some unexpected good fortune could ease your way. Ask for everything you need, even when you don’t think you’ll get it: Not all of your requests will be granted, but you may be surprised by how many of them are.
The longer you know someone, the more you both settle into specific roles into the relationship. One of you gets used to making the plans, and the other gets used to following along; one grows accustomed to making the jokes, and the other to laughing at them. Maybe the dynamic genuinely works for both of you, but it’s also possible that you could use a change. If you’re feeling trapped today, now’s your chance to break free. Your personality is multifaceted, other parts of it should get a chance to shine through, too.
Nobody gets to do exactly what they want, exactly when they want to — at least, not all the time. Sometimes we all have to hurry to meet deadlines, work when we’d rather rest, accommodate other people’s schedules. But today, see what happens if you don’t worry so much about conforming to the routines that others have imposed on your life, and instead let your own internal rhythms guide you. You could also make breakthroughs that would have been impossible if you had followed all the rules.
Though you’re not afraid of conflict, you sometimes get nervous about expressing yourself unclearly, about being misunderstood by the people whose opinions matter most to you. This means that when there’s an important or difficult conversation ahead, you try to be prepared, thinking through your talking points, practicing what you’d like to say. Today, though, that might not be possible — or even advisable. Express yourself with honesty and spontaneity, and you’ll do just fine.
Sometimes the people who love you most are also the ones who seem to impinge most on your freedom: your family, with their rigid ideas about how a person is “supposed” to live, or your oldest friends, who still see you as you were when they first met you. If you’re ever going to live on your own terms, you’ll have to risk disappointing them. Today, be brave enough to go against everyone else’s expectations. You’ll be so happy you did.
Your expectations for today are likely to be disrupted, and the harder you try to stick to the original plan, the more frustrated and annoyed you’ll be. Some days simply don’t go the way you thought they would — but if you stay open and flexible, they might end up going better. When you have spontaneous ideas, listen to them. Follow your curiosity. Accept any spur-of-the-moment invitations that fall into your lap. At the very least, you won’t be bored — and at best, you could find what you didn’t know you needed.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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