The daily love horoscope is infused with excitement and courage as retrograde Mars in Cancer aligns with retrograde Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, January 22. Your best life is waiting for you; you must decide to go after it.
Retrograde Mars in Cancer has been making matters difficult in your romantic life. You have been flooded with feelings yet don’t know how to process or overcome them. At the same time, retrograde Uranus in Taurus is helping to awaken you to your potential and your fate, so long as you’re willing to take a chance on destiny.
As the two collide on Wednesday, January 22, the tides will turn, and these challenges will turn into your greatest strength. You will be centered on your emotional needs and will no longer shy away from having them met.
Fate is the only temptation you need to leave behind your comfort zone barrier. Comfort zones can feel safe or uphold a certain status quo, but your best self and love will never be found there.
When retrograde Mars in Cancer aligns with retrograde Uranus in Taurus, you will feel excited and bold about making changes in your life. As fate is the true temptation, you will be encouraged to exit your comfort zone and any relationships you’ve outgrown.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You deserve to be blissfully happy, beautiful Aries. Yet you’ve been letting what isn’t in your control affect your feelings about yourself and your life. This creates a stagnant energy you are being guided to break up.
While you may still focus on personal or familial matters, you deserve to choose your happiness.
Make sure to prioritize romance during this time, knowing that you deserve a partner you can do life with – instead of thinking it’s just not in the cards now.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
The words you speak become the life you live, sweet Taurus. You need to be mindful of how you are communicating yourself to others, as well as your understanding.
This may include a situation in which you’ve made presumptions about your partner or romantic life that aren’t necessarily based in fact.
You can improve your relationship by challenging yourself and learning how to hold space for healthy dialogue. It can be hard to hold space for opinions that may not feel comfortable, but in doing so, you can also learn about yourself.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
The most miraculous shifts occur unexpectedly, dear Gemini. You have been so focused on your outer world that you haven’t realized how much you’ve recently grown. No matter what pulls your focus today, try to take some time to meditate and connect with your inner self.
Credit yourself for how much you’ve grown, as it will also help transform your romantic life. When you know that what you deserve exceeds the bare minimum, you can create space to receive what you genuinely desire. Take time for yourself, but be receptive to love offers later in the day.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
A wish is your soul guiding you forward, Cancer. It may feel frivolous to make wishes about your life and love, yet this feeling comes deep within your soul.
Don’t box yourself in thinking that you will have to settle to have a relationship or marriage. But believe in your wishes because they are connected to the divine wisdom you receive.
While you need to make sure you wish for what will fulfill you and not what the ego wants, you can set a new course with this energy, helping you to attract what you’ve always desired.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Hold space for all that seems unknown, dearest Leo. You are heading into new territory where you don’t have a reference for what to do or how to handle it all. This is evidence of the path you’re on instead of something to be afraid of.
Sit with what arises today, especially the fears that may have held you back. You are building the love that will last forever, but you don’t want to talk yourself out of taking a chance.
As you learn to hold space for the unknown, you’ll also realize how beautiful it is to trust in the divine plan for your life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You deserve some fun in your life, Virgo. It doesn’t mean you must abandon what you’ve been working on or your process. Balance means holding space for multiple opportunities or themes in your life.
With the current energy, you want to focus on enjoying time with your partner or friends. This can pertain to taking a trip together or a new exciting experience you’ve wanted to try.
Everything you must do will still be there waiting, but making time for joy will help you. Life isn’t only meant to be made up of work, but plenty of moments of play, too.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Everything is happening as it’s meant to, sweet Libra. You may feel a sudden shift urging you to take a new direction. While this could be with a potential new person, it also could deal with you taking a chance on yourself.
This decision may feel radical at first, so you may have challenges trusting it. But don’t forget all you’ve been through in recent months, so it’s no wonder you’re finally waking up to your power.
You aren’t being rushed in making any decisions, but you know that this feeling you have now will not go away.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Believe in love, dear Scorpio. You have diligently honored your desires for love, connection, and commitment. But the universe will throw you a curveball today as you receive a sudden opportunity or offer to change everything.
Remember that you won’t need to sacrifice your dreams to make a relationship work and can’t control how a relationship proceeds. Sometimes, slowing down a love affair is detrimental to rushing matters. Just be present and know that you are ready for this next life step.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
It’s up to you to make the drastic changes you need, beautiful Sagittarius. Instead of continually holding space for half-lovers or giving endless chances, honor what you need. You have recently felt called to start pursuing a new path in life. The only caveat is that it will mean a connection in your life will come to an end.
Don’t let what appears to be a loss stop you from pursuing this path or a new person in your life. Focus on what helps you feel like your best self and protect your dreams at all costs. Not everyone who says they love you genuinely wants the best for you, so it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Anything that surfaces always serves a higher purpose, Capricorn. Matters in your relationship or romantic life have been challenging recently.
This isn’t to break up your connection, though or prove that you’re not meant for love – but to show you how to make improvements. You need to be aware of your feelings to know how to help matters.
Give yourself ample time to take emotional stock of yourself and your relationship. Reflect on the changes you can make and those you need from your partner. As long as you communicate, anything can be worked through, so keep expressing what is in your heart.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You don’t need to protect yourself from love, Aquarius. There is a feeling that while romantic matters are positive for you, you may be protecting yourself from an imaginary hurt that doesn’t exist.
It’s normal to carry the emotional baggage from past relationships, but not releasing it will affect your current relationship.
Focus on your inner healing today, releasing any feelings that are no longer beneficial and realizing that the person you’re with is safe. You are safe to love them, which means you no longer need to protect yourself from the hurt you’re afraid of experiencing again.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace your inner muse, Pisces. You are in an extremely creative time, and because of that, you are also open to new and exciting possibilities in your life. While worthiness is a key theme, you must also let go of how you thought your life would go.
This will create space for destiny to play and help you take advantage of romantic offers. Be open to expanding your beliefs and let that image of your life shift. You are one of the zodiac lovers, so you are meant to be loved it may look different than you once imagined.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
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