Your goal is rapid progress and ascension – be it material, spiritual, emotional or in any other way. And Libra you have a lot of options on the table! Take a few deep breaths and calmly ask your gut what it really feels. You will realise that perhaps something that seems too good to be true is really a farce and something that seems like it will need a little work, might be the magical pill you need to pick. Let your innate wisdom override your logic today and it will not let you down.
Cosmic tip: Build your home one brick at a time.
Your friendly and hospitable personality will be the first thing people will notice about you. A person who has been observing your kind nature might be encou
Astrologer and Cut columnist
Step into the world of romance and connection with today’s love and dating horoscope. Whether you're single or in a relationship, the stars reveal insights
Open this photo in gallery:Aquarius.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYDon’t hold back this year: get involved in whatever attracts