I only recently found out about the plan to expand the use of golf carts on the Monon and adjoining trails. I believe more residents of Westfield need to be informed of this possibility and voice their concerns and their opposition. I have written an email to Mayor Scott Willis and encourage all residents to speak up and let their voices be heard. If we are loud and numerous, we may be able to stop this infringement on our trails.
Here is my email:
Dear Mayor,
I would like to express my intense opposition to the proposed idea of allowing expanded use of golf carts on the Monon Trail. I believe this is a horrendous idea that would negatively impact the safety and enjoyment of the trail for most users.
The Monon Trail is a valuable community asset that is used by walkers, runners, cyclists, and families. The closeness to nature in many of the areas is uplifting and inspirational. There is an implied camaraderie among those who use the trail as we enjoy the outdoors while doing something positive for our bodies.
Introducing golf carts into these areas would detract from the peaceful and natural environment of the trail with noise, congestion and pollution.
I urge you to reconsider this proposal and to prioritize the safety and enjoyment of all trail users. Let’s keep the trail for its original intention — a safe place to hike, walk, run, bike and be active without motorized vehicles.
Barbara Jennings, Westfield