PORTLAND, Ore. KTVZ) – This year’s record-breaking summer travel season will wrap up with millions of Americans taking a final summer trip over the Labor Day weekend. AAA booking data for flights, hotels, rental cars and cruises shows Labor Day travel is on the rise compared to last year. Domestic travel is up 9% over 2023.
Memorial Day always marks the unofficial start to the summer travel season, and Labor Day marks the unofficial end. The Labor Day weekend is typically a busy travel weekend ,compared to other weekends in August and September, but the volume is not as high as the other major summer holidays, Memorial Day and Independence Day.
With many schools already back in session or starting soon, families tend to take shorter trips that are closer to home over Labor Day. However, those without kids in school often use Labor Day as the kickoff to the fall travel season to take advantage of cooler temperatures, smaller crowds, and off-peak pricing. Destinations in Europe are especially popular for these travelers.
Theme parks, shows and concerts in Las Vegas, Alaska cruises, and European cities are very popular this Labor Day. Closer to home, the top regional destinations for members of AAA Oregon/Idaho are Central Oregon, the Oregon Coast, Portland, Eugene and Seattle. AAA booking data shows trips to Seattle are up nearly 30% from last year, in part because Seattle is a major port city for cruises to Alaska. Anchorage is also among the top 10 domestic destinations for members of AAA Oregon/Idaho.
“This is a great time of year to take a cruise to Alaska. Crowds are smaller than earlier in the summer, the weather is still decent, although chillier than in July and August, and you may even see some fall colors,” says Doreen Loofburrow, senior vice president of travel at AAA Oregon/Idaho.
“Most Labor Day travelers will leave on their trips on Thursday or Friday before the holiday, and return home on Labor Day or Tuesday,” says Marie Dodds, public affairs director for AAA Oregon/Idaho. “Those taking a Labor Day road trip will find lower gas prices than last year – in fact, the Oregon average is about 85 cents a gallon less than a year ago.”
“AAA can help you get the most out of your trip with Trip Canvas. This free resource can help plan your trip so you can see and do as much as possible,” says Loofburrow. “You can find 25 things to escape the ordinary in Portland, top things to do in Bend, and know about the new FastPass system at Disneyland, to name a few.”
Top Labor Day destinations
Here are the top destinations for members of AAA Oregon/Idaho based on searches and bookings:
Labor Day gas prices
Those taking a road trip for the Labor Day holiday will find cheaper gas prices than last year. The national average is currently $3.41 and the Oregon average is $3.85 (as of August 19, 2024). Last year on Labor Day, the national average was $3.81 and the Oregon average was $4.74.
Find current gas prices here: https://gasprices.aaa.com/
Find current gas price news here: https://info.oregon.aaa.com/oregon-gas-prices/
Gas prices have been relatively stable this spring and summer, without the dramatic price spikes we saw last summer. Prices should remain fairly steady through the Labor Day holiday or even edge lower, barring a refinery or pipeline outage, a major storm in the Gulf of Mexico, escalating tensions in the Middle East, or another geo-political event that sends oil prices higher.
Best and worst times to drive
INRIX, a global provider of transportation data and insights, expects the afternoons and evenings of Thursday, August 29 and Friday, August 30 to be the busiest time on the roads during the long Labor Day weekend as holiday travelers mix with commuters. In some areas, delays could be 20% to 40% longer than normal drive times.
“The most congestion is expected before the holiday weekend. The best times to travel by car over Labor Day weekend are early in the morning or in the evening,” says Marie Dodds, public affairs director for AAA Oregon/Idaho. “Monitor traffic and navigation apps, and check road and weather conditions at TripCheck or your local transportation department. These tools can help steer you around congested areas.”
Here are projected travel times out of Portland from INRIX:
Airfare, hotel, rental car, cruise and tour costs
Air—AAA finds that travelers are paying less for domestic and international flights for Labor Day travel.
Hotels—AAA finds hotel prices are up compared to 2023.
Car Rentals—Daily car rental rates in the U.S. are less while international car rentals cost more than in 2023.
Cruises—AAA finds that cruises are more expensive this year.
Tours—AAA finds domestic tours cost less while international tours cost more this year.
For help in planning your trip, AAA.com/travel or call (800) 529-3222 to reach a AAA travel agent.
Tips for those flying this Labor Day
Airports across the country have seen record numbers of travelers this summer and high travel volumes are expected to continue over the Labor Day holiday weekend. The busiest days to fly are the Thursday and Friday before the holiday, and then most travelers fly home on Monday, which is Labor Day, and Tuesday.
AAA to the rescue this Labor Day weekend
AAA expects to respond to about 302,000 calls for roadside assistance nationally and 4,500 in Oregon over the Labor Day holiday travel period, with the most common issues being dead batteries, flat tires, and lockouts.
AAA makes it easy to request assistance—by phone or text (1-800-AAA-HELP), app or online—and members can track the service technician’s progress as they make their way to your vehicle.
Make sure your car is road-trip ready. Have your vehicle inspected by a trusted repair shop, such as one of the more than 7,000 AAA Approved Auto Repair facilities across North America.
Be prepared for emergencies with a mobile phone and car charger, and well-stocked emergency kit including a flashlight with extra batteries, first-aid kit, a basic toolkit, jackets and blankets, and drinking water and snacks for all passengers and pets. Share your itinerary with family or friends so that authorities know where to start looking for you if you don’t reach your destination.
“Bring enough supplies so that everyone in your vehicle can be comfortable if you get stranded somewhere for several hours or even overnight,” says Dodds. “A crash can tie up rural roads for hours, and you don’t always have cell phone service in remote areas.”
Find more info on getting road-trip ready at AAA.com/summerprep