IPL 2025 mega auctions are all set to take place on Sunday in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The highly-anticipated event will be continued till Monday as a whopping total of 1,574 players (1,165 Indian and 409 overseas) will be going under the hammer. Just two days before the auctions, a shocking report has come to light that India all-rounder Deepak Hooda, who played for Lucknow Super Giants in IPL 2024, has been included in BCCI’s suspected bowlers’ list and is likely to be banned from bowling.
According to a report of Cricbuzz, Hooda and Saurabh Dubey and KC Cariappa are being suspected by BCCI for their illegal bowling action.
“Manish Pandey (KSCA, 157) and Shrijith Krishnan (KSCA, 281) have been banned from bowling while Deepak Hooda, an off-spinner from Rajasthan Cricket Association (RCA), is in the suspect bowling list. Saurabh Dubey (344, VCA) and KC Cariappa (381, CAM) are also in the suspect list,” stated Cricbuzz in a report.
Hooda was released by LSG ahead of the auctions. He had a very lukewarm outing in IPL 2024 as he scored only 145 runs in 11 games and went wicketless.
Talking about his international career, Hooda has played 10 ODIs for India and scored 153 runs. In T20Is, he has played 21 matches and 368 runs with one century to his name.
His last international appearance came in the T20I match against New Zealand in February 2023, where he scored 30 runs.
Talking about IPL, a report also suggested that the upcoming season will be held from March 14 to May 25.
The BCCI has also decided to include injury-prone England pacer Jofra Archer, Indian-born American pacer Saurabh Netravalkar and uncapped Mumbai-wicketkeeper-batter Hardik Tamore in the two-day mega players’ auction.
In its communication to the franchises, the Board has stated that the dates for the next three seasons are being shared at once to “assist the franchises in planning for the players’ auction.” The 2026 edition of the tournament will start on March 15 and the grand finale has been scheduled for May 31.
The 2027 edition will once again start on March 14 with the final on May 30. All three finals will be held on Sundays.
(With PTI Inputs)
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