This weekend, as Venus (love) aligns with dreamy Neptune, even cynically-minded people will dare to dream.
Yet, there can be problems with notions that are imagination based; they don’t always take reality into account.
So, the Sun’s creative (yet practical) link to transformative Pluto comes in handy. It makes us more prepared to get real, and seek doable solutions. Compromise might be required. But dreams can start coming true.
There’s so much more to your horoscope than just your Sun Sign. If you like what you read here, just wait until you read your Personal Birth Chart. All you need to know… and it’s all about you. Spookily accurate predictions, life-changing advice. Get yours here. (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
Read more horoscopes from MailOnline here.
So, the Sun’s creative (yet practical) link to transformative Pluto comes in handy. It makes us more prepared to get real, and seek doable solutions
March 21 – April 20
None of us really understands the world we’re living in. Nor do we know what happens when we leave it. No wonder we feel vulnerable. Here we are, on this ball of rock, held by an invisible force called gravity, without knowing what we’re meant to be doing, or what the point is. So, we find beliefs that make us feel more secure. Which is great – unless they oppose other people’s. This weekend, rather than challenge someone’s ideas, if you stay calm and listen, you’ll experience a priceless sense of meaning and purpose.
Now, do you want to know more about what’s going to happen to you, when it’s going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, ‘spookily accurate’ horoscope birth-chart report, and you’ll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
April 21 – May 21
I had a conversation with a parrot the other day. It sounds crazy, but the bird has learnt to mimic phrases so well that its responses sounded as if it was really listening to me. Apparently though, these creatures are just excellent at mimicking. People too, are good at giving the impression that they understand and empathise. But they’re just good at saying the right words at the right time. As your ruler links with Neptune this weekend, if you want to share something important, check to make sure you’re being really heard.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
May 22 – June 22
If you’re confident about what steps you want to take, this weekend is the perfect moment to begin. If you’re unsure, before going any further you need to work out why you’re uncertain. Forging ahead in a spirit of ‘seeing what happens’ is OK when you’re not fully invested in a specific outcome. But this is important to you. And investing more energy into formulating a plan will, eventually, save you heaps of time. You want to get this right. So, take the pressure off. Use your intelligence and know that it’s OK to take it slowly.
Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
June 23 – July 23
Seconds turn into minutes. Minutes turn into hours. Hours turn into days. And so life passes by… and we still haven’t won the jackpot. Or reached the top rung on the ladder of success. We dream of fairytale-like events in our lives. But even though those kinds of extraordinary happenings rarely make their way into our realities, the chance of the lottery win never goes away. Nor does the ladder. Don’t expect a miracle this weekend. But if you stay focused, and positive, and do what you can realistically do, magical things are possible.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
July 24 – August 23
We’ve all got things we don’t like thinking or talking about. Often these are things we feel intimidated by. Facts we don’t have the courage to face. Letters/emails we choose not to open. Hard truths we don’t want to accept. Of course, hiding them from ourselves isn’t good for us; we know they’re there, bubbling beneath the surface, and that they need dealing with. Otherwise, our stress levels continue to grow. You might not relish the idea of confronting a challenge this weekend. But if you find the courage, the relief will be wonderful.
Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
August 24 – September 23
Some people say that the secret of success involves finding the answer to one simple question: where can we find what we need to know? And apparently, what we need to know hides in the deepest recesses of our own minds. And if we look hard enough, and still can’t find it, our instincts will kick in and lead us to where we need to go to get it. It sounds good! And being a perceptive soul, this theory, which some people find bewildering, sounds plausible. This weekend, if you seek information, trust that you can find it.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
September 24 – October 23
What are you planning on doing to change the world? Are you going to research some kind of medical cure? Invent an item no one can live without? Or, will you set an example of how to lead a good life? You don’t need to do anything spectacular this weekend (or ever!). Just by valuing other people, showing kindness, being respectful, and valuing emotions, you can have a significant impact on the world around you. As your ruler, Venus links with sensitive Neptune, by being yourself, you can make a real difference to someone’s life.
Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download ‘Your Guide to the Future’. (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
October 24 – November 22
Only 10 percent of an iceberg is visible. Yet anyone who doesn’t know this would assume that what they see on the surface is almost all there is. I mention this because we tend to jump to conclusions. We hear soundbites and don’t consider the facts behind the words. We allow our preconceptions to colour our judgment. This weekend, it’s worth taking time to look at a situation from as many different angles as possible. It deserves your full concentration. You’ll realise that behind the obvious, lies a hugely exciting possibility.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
November 23 – December 21
When we look back at our education, it’s clear that every year presented us with new challenges. As our learning increased, so the lessons got progressively harder. As adults in the school of life the same principle applies. Our cosmic teachers ensure we’ve always got new lessons to learn. They challenge our thinking. They force us to apply our knowledge in new/different situations. You’ve been on a tough learning curve. But you’re a good student. And this weekend brings an accolade that rewards you for your progress.
Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
December 22 – January 20
We believe what we want to believe. We see what we want to see. We hear what we want to hear. We talk rather than listen. We project our own feelings onto other people. We interpret signs and signals. We read meaning into messages. We assume agreement. And expect disagreement. Yikes! No wonder there are so many problems! Yet rife though all those tendencies might be, at heart, we seek love and understanding. This weekend brings a wonderful realisation about someone that deepens a bond of trust.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)

Oscar Cainer reminds us that ‘compromise might be required’ but that ‘dreams can start coming true’
January 21 – February 19
How high (or low) should you set your sights? Since you’re trying to avoid a problematic situation, as long as you can maintain a level of calm, are you prepared to settle for ‘anything’? Sometimes, if we’re getting ourselves out of trouble, or keeping a threat at bay, it’s OK to lower our expectations. But don’t do that this weekend. No. Focus on fulfilling your highest standards. Even if it involves a certain level of tension and anxiety, keep your eye on the prize. Because in this cosmic climate, something special is achievable.
Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your ‘Guide to the Future’. (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)
February 20 – March 20
When someone upsets us, we feel slighted and hurt. We take it personally. Yet more often than not, this kind of misunderstanding happens when people aren’t relating to one another as individuals. Usually, it’s because we’ve assumed a role; we’re acting out opinions we’ve learned and emulating behaviour we witnessed in our formative years. Part of the process of creating our identity involves suppressing parts of ourselves. The link between Venus and your ruler, Neptune, encourages you to be your true self this weekend.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now! (12 month ‘guide to the future’ especially extended to run from now until end of 2025!)