All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
Ailments that you are suffering from are set to disappear. Financial advice will help you in choosing the right investment scheme. Exchanging notes with others will be crucial in a project. Your family will be more than supporting you in all your endeavours. A journey towards the east can prove profitable. This is the right time to realise your dream on the academic front. Organizing or attending a party or a function is on the cards.
Love Focus: The love and concern of your well-wishers will be most touching.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: White
You will need to keep up your health routine to remain fit. This is the right time to consolidate your financial position by both saving and investing. You may never get around to doing it, if you leave it for some other day. A talented family member earns recognition. You may get a chance to go on a pleasure trip. It will be important to take the right approach on the academic front. An important event will make you all excited and raring to go.
Love Focus: Love and concern of your well-wishers will be most touching.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Those not keeping well are assured of good medical care. Gifts or cash may be expected today by some. Work-related matters may take precedence over other things. Siblings at loggerheads over an issue will be able to come to an understanding. A lot of travelling is indicated and it will all be fun. Promising times lie ahead for those planning to study abroad. Your grace and good manners win friends and admirers on the social front.
Love Focus: Love beckons the lonely hearts and may lead to a budding romance.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
You may get serious to come back in shape. Those in real estate will find the business turning profitable. A lack of decisions from the top will make you lose precious time at work. Advice to a youngster from your experience will help him achieve his dreams. Those connected with the media are likely to travel out of town or abroad on an assignment. Children are likely to make you proud by their achievements.
Love Focus: Surprising lover with tickets to a movie or theatre will make the day for you.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Saffron
Past tensions that had been giving you sleepless nights are set to vanish. Assets are likely to grow and make you financially stronger. You may have to spend extra time over a workplace problem today. Support of your near and dear ones will help you achieve the impossible. You are likely to undertake a journey by sea or air. Those involved in extracurricular activities will excel. A good dose of relaxation will recharge you completely
Love Focus: The one you love will respond to your overtures.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Magenta
You will be more than willing to come back in shape. Flashing gold credit cards and splurging is likely to give a high. A proposal of joint venture looks promising, but needs to be studied in detail. A family member or friend is likely to accompany you for an important task. A long journey will prove enjoyable in more ways than one. Attending a lecture or a programme is on the cards for some.
Love Focus: A school time crush is likely to enter your life once again.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Green
The health-conscious are set to remain in fine fettle. A windfall can be expected for those dealing in shares. A mistake not caught in time may get you into a lot of hassle. Domestic environment will be tranquil and harmonious. Don’t take risks on the road, as stars appear unfavourable. You are likely to come out tops in a competition on the academic front. A chance encounter with someone influential is likely to solve your current problems.
Love Focus: A passionate evening with partner cannot be ruled out.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Red
Health remains good, as you manage your exercise routine well. Chances of its being financed look bright. You are likely to carry this mood at the workplace with dire consequences. An exciting event is in the offing and is likely to bring the family together. Be careful while using the road or handling anything heavy. Money from property may come to you. Academic front looks promising.
Love Focus: Spending time with the one you love will prove most fulfilling.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Those feeling under the weather are likely to show improvement. You will succeed in discovering some other avenues of earning. This is a good time to go ahead with your ideas at work, as things promise to turn out favourable. Your popularity amongst family and friends is set to rise. A sightseeing tour may be organised with friends or relations. You are likely to maintain the tempo on the academic front.
Love Focus: Someone from the opposite camp will get you into romantic mood.
Lucky Number:2
Lucky Colour: Orange
Health remains satisfactory, but your aim should be total fitness. Money given to a friend for investment purposes will be returned many times over! A short trip proves exhilarating. Perseverance on the academic front is set to pay rich dividends. Certain unforeseen circumstances may compel you to put a project on hold. Friend or relation coming and staying with you will brighten the atmosphere at home. Setting aside some time for yourself will help achieve mental calmness.
Love Focus: Lover may distract you from your objective.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Golden
A change in diet and regular walks will make you fit and feel good on the inside. Money given for safe custody will be in safe hands. On the work front, you can become answerable for someone else’s action. Family life runs smoothly and is likely to keep you happily engaged. Those spiritually inclined may plan for a pilgrimage. Those seeking employment are likely to get a call soon.
Love Focus: With a lover off mood, your romantic ideas may get nipped in the bud.
Lucky Number:17
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey
Actors and models are likely to go in for weight training to tone their bodies. The moment is ripe to multiply your assets. A short break from the routine is indicated and will prove most refreshing and rejuvenating. A string of visitors will brighten up the domestic front. Property dealers are likely to make a killing. Higher studies may beckon some for better prospects.
Love Focus: With lover off mood, your romantic ideas may get nipped in the bud.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Purple
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