The explorative Sagittarius moon reaches out to expansive Jupiter in Gemini, stirring adventurous, motivational energy. Opportunities may seem limitless, causing you to feel larger-than-life this morning. But beware of over-extending yourself and taking on too much.
When the wise moon confronts brainiac Mercury in Aquarius, conversations may feel scattered. Intelligence isn’t just about knowing, it’s about understanding. Focus on listening and avoid making assumptions for the remainder of your day.
Aries (March 20 – April 18)
There is such a thing as too many ideas — even if they’re good ones. Avoid diving into a new project before finishing what’s already on your plate. Double-check your writing for errors and avoid racing through tasks.
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)
Consider the long-term impact of your next financial move, especially if opportunities are presented on a silver platter. Do you have the interest and dedication to do your vision justice?
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)
You may feel tempted to say yes to every collaborative offer. Be mindful of your enthusiasm, though, or you could make promises to a loved one that you cannot fulfill.
Cancer (June 20 – July 21)
Feeling stretched thin? Taking time out may seem counterproductive, but removing yourself from a situation will help you assess your priorities.
Leo (July 22 – Aug. 21)
Creative sparks are flying, but don’t get carried away. Ground your ideas; don’t over-estimate what you can deliver. Enlist friends to help bring your plans together.
Virgo (Aug. 22 – Sept. 21)
Don’t brush off ideas imparted by a family member or roommate. Pick their brain. Inspiration found close to home may help you make progress at work.
Libra (Sept. 22 – Oct. 21)
Information overload makes it difficult to organize your thoughts and form an opinion. When you feel overwhelmed, step back. Don’t let the noise drown out your unique point of view.
Scorpio (Oct. 22 – Nov. 20)
Can you cope with less, Scorpio? A financial or emotional investment may seem promising, but it’s only worth the effort and expense if you’re truly passionate about it. Don’t let instant gratification or wishful thinking sway you.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21 – Dec. 20)
Even if you and your partner align on most matters, what’s best for you might not be ideal for them. Don’t assume they’re on board with a plan. Run it past them first.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 – Jan. 18)
Yes, working hard can get you ahead, but you cannot ignore the human need for rest. Check in with how your body feels.
Aquarius (Jan. 19 – Feb. 17)
You can’t be everywhere all at once, Aquarius. When your different passions compete for your attention, focus on those that will lead to meaningful connections and lasting memories. You don’t need to accept every invitation.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You may thrive on adventure, learning, and expanding your horizons, but it’s time to ask yourself whether you’re making real progress in your career. Are you moving up or sideways?
For more, check out your tarot reading.
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