Yasmin Karachiwala, fitness trainer to many Bollywood A-listers such as Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif, shared her fitness recipe for looking great even after the age of 50. The trainer is 54-years old, and does not look her age at all. In fact, she gets asked a lot if it is luck that makes her look so great. Yasmin had the perfect answer to that She shared a reel on her Instagram profile depicting the kind of hard work she does in the gym to look the way she does.
“My reel today is about more than just lifting weights—it’s about lifting yourself up. For any woman, especially us over 50, it’s not about luck or body type, it’s about resilience and determination. Every failure is just another step forward, and every workout is proof of strength. Embrace the grind, own your power, and never forget the beauty in your journey,” read Yasmin’s caption.
In the reel, Yasmin can be seen doing multiple workout routine – from running to doing pushups, to pilates. The trainer answered it all in the reel – it is not luck, it’s sheer hard work and discipline that has got her where she is.
“Every rep, every day. Consistency, efforts and pushing limits – no luck here,” read a text on her reel as she can be seen doing an aerial yoga pose. However, the trainer also reminded her Instagram family to remember the essentials of good health – “And don’t forget the essentials – eating right, rest, sleep and flexibility,” read the text on her reel as she rested in an aerial yoga hammock.
In no time, Yasmin’s reel was flooded with likes and comments from her Instagram family. Reacting to the video, Jacqueliene Fernandez wrote, “The struggle is real.” Iulia Vantur reacted to Yasmin’s video and commented, “Yasmin Karachiwala, keep inspiring.”
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
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