You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need is your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice for your personality. Let’s go!
The Full Moon has passed, and now we’re looking ahead to the start of Capricorn season. It’s a good time to tie up loose ends and wrap up stuff we’d rather leave behind in 2024. The Ace of Pentacles echoes that sentiment. You’re going to soon embark on a host of new health, wealth, work, and home adventures, (Capricorn season loves these themes) but first, you need to clear the decks, streamline your responsibilities, and declutter. Make this a week of finishing up, and finishing strong.
Each of us has our own inner navigator that’s meant to protect us, totally entwined with every experience we’ve ever had. It not only logs events, but our emotional journey too. It’s our intuition, yet we often ignore or override it. Aries, tune in to your gut instinct this week, and act upon it. The High Priestess shows that, deep down, you know exactly what’s going on and you instinctively ‘get’ it. Don’t drown out that little voice.
Brush off the feeling of regret you have about something. It’s just a passing cloud, and not one that you want to enter and dwell within. The Five of Cups is a sad echo and it’ll relate to an event this year that didn’t go as planned. It happens. Life has ups and downs. Acknowledge the feeling, reflect on what you might’ve learned here, and then look ahead and go do something else!
The Lovers is your sign’s tarot card. It exemplifies your dual nature, your ability to see all sides, and your infamous fickleness regarding commitment. You like to have options, to be free, and to be able to change your mind repeatedly. Capricorn season will hold you to account, Gemini. It wants answers! What’s important and what’s not? What are you going to focus on? Don’t try and do it all, you’ll only wear yourself thin and not achieve anything. Make some decisions this week and stick to them.
Don’t let those voices in your mind make you paranoid about what you assume other people are thinking. We all project, and it’s very dangerous. Read the room and read the facts. Stop trying to guess why a person has done or said something. Stick to the bare facts and let the rest be someone else’s story. You are in danger of pulling yourself down for no reason. Be wary of your inner judge.
As the year winds down, and a new one starts to come into view, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Maybe there’s still so much to do, or maybe the thought of doing it all again is tiring you out mentally. Leo, start talking! Use this week to unburden yourself of all these thoughts, and get them out into the cold light of day. I promise you that most of them will just evaporate from your mind. They’re not real, they’re imaginary. And anything tangible that remains a genuine worry? Well focus on that and tackle it.
You love a challenge! And your planetary ruler Mercury makes you highly adept at winning them, too. The Seven of Wands asks you to create a challenge, target, or group competition for yourself to tackle this month and next. Maybe it’s a social thing, a sporty thing, a travel thing, or a health thing. Whatever ‘thing’ floats your boat. Set mini milestones and reward yourself at the end. Perhaps this goal is something you wanted to do this year but never got around to!
The Three of Pentacles means you’re basking in the glow of others’ admiration (frankly, Libra, when are you not in this state?) It’s a great week to make plans with folks you want to spend more time with, ask for feedback at work, and apply for opportunities. Ride on the goodwill that you’ve built up in 2024 and get some nice little payback for it. Why not? You’ve earned this!
The festive season always wakes up our inner child, and the Page of Cups reveals that yours is patiently waiting for your attention! Go down memory lane this week. Whip out the old movies, flick through the photo albums, ring up old friends, or go visit an old haunt you once loved at this time of year. Embrace nostalgia, because it will comfort, soothe, and inspire you. There are still lessons to be learned from your past.
The final week of Sag season will be a satisfying season finale! The Two of Pentacles is such a Jupiterian card (that’s your ruling planet) because it represents abundance and new opportunities coming in all at once. Get ready to be busy, in-demand, and optimistic. Say yes to everything that comes your way — you can figure out how you’ll fit it all in later. Now’s the time to receive.
It’s going to be a fluke-y week- full of coincidences, serendipity, and omens. Read the signs, Cap, and follow your intuition before your intellect. You’ve got quite a few projects in action, and there’ll be lots of chaotic and unexpected occurrences with all of them. They won’t present themselves formally — they’ll spring up randomly and without warning—so brace yourself to notice offbeat stuff, and to obey your gut instinct.
Winter is reflection time, and a Full Moon always illuminates your self-awareness. You are going to receive a series of ‘man in the mirror’ epiphanies, a bit like Ebenezer Scrooge! Judgment shows you this three-dimensional view of yourself, and it will reveal the nature of the journey you’ve been on. It’s time to acknowledge the big changes you can celebrate, the losses you can honour, and the ambitions that really mean something now, in your current reality. Take time out to wander, meditate, and daydream this week, because these revelations are powerful.
The Hermit is not just about solitude and being happy in your own company. It’s also about enlightenment and going on a spiritual journey of discovery. Education can be part of it. Reflection and rumination too. What question do you need to answer the most right now? It can be literal, abstract, personal, or big picture. Decide what it is and then use this week to pick it apart, and figure out what to do next.
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Aries It would be wise to spend today taking care of tasks and enjoying time at home. At the workplace, you may establish yourself as a leader. There is no be
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20)Great opportunities and happy moments await you tomorrow. Throughout the day, you shall soak up all that positive energy through messages