
What does Israel want in Gaza?

Posted by July 4, 2024

While Israel has given the world some hope by saying on Thursday that it would consider the latest draft of a ceasefire proposal submitted by Hamas, the current

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Pro-Palestine protesters scale roof of Australia’s Parliament House

Posted by July 4, 2024

The four protesters rolled out several banners that said, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ and ‘No peace on stolen land’.Pro-Palestin

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World’s oldest artwork discovered in Indonesian cave

Posted by July 4, 2024

The painting was dated using a new technique and suggests Europe was not where cave art first emerged.Scientists have discovered what they believe to be the wor

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Why is Hurricane Beryl of so much global scientific concern?

Posted by July 3, 2024

Major storm batters Caribbean earlier and with more ferocity than in previous seasons.A hurricane rips through the Caribbean – causing devastation, but alarm

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What’s happening in Sudan’s civil war? | Start Here

Posted by July 3, 2024

After more than a year of civil war, Sudan is facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters. Thousands of people have been killed, millions displaced

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Photos: Dangerous skin diseases spreading among children in Gaza

Posted by July 3, 2024

Wafaa Elwan’s five-year-old son cannot sleep in the Gaza tent city where she and her seven children shelter, but it is not the guns of war that cause his nigh

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Gaza policy makes US a ‘target’: Former officials

Posted by July 3, 2024

The 12 officials say the cover provided to Israel has ‘ensured’ the US’s ‘complicity’ in the war on Gaza.A group of former United States government of

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Taiwan says China seized fishing boat near Chinese coast

Posted by July 3, 2024

Taiwan demands Beijing release crew and vessel seized from outside Taiwanese waters near Kinmen Islands.Chinese coastguard officials have seized a Taiwanese fis

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Genocide, urbicide, domicide – how to talk about Israel’s war…

Posted by July 3, 2024

South Africa has taken Israel to the International Court of Justice, accusing it of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza – and 12 other countries

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Hundreds of candidates pull out of French run-off in bid…

Posted by July 2, 2024

Mass exit aims to deny parliamentary wins in final vote that could give far right first government since World War II.France’s left-wing and centrist parties

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Cambodia accused of conducting political trial as it jails green…

Posted by July 2, 2024

Human Rights Watch has accused the government of attempting to ‘muzzle criticism’.A Cambodian court has convicted a group of environmental activists of plot

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Who are the Haredim in Israel and what are their…

Posted by July 1, 2024

EXPLAINERThe military’s moves to conscript ultra-Orthodox Jews has led to protests and anger among the religious community.Ultra-Orthodox Jews have been prote

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