Act of pardon draws a line under political turmoil set off by secessionist drive, but could face further legal hurdles.Spain’s parliament has greenlighted a b
Polls originally slated for 2025 were brought forward to June 28 following the president’s death in the May 19 air crash.Iran has begun the formal registratio
New Hanover, South Africa – Three generations of Mini Myeza’s family have lived on Oakville pine tree farm in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province. Now t
A labourer dies of a heatstroke in New Delhi as parts of the city record 52.9 degrees Celsius (127.22F).Extreme temperatures across India are having their worst
At the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards, American superstar Beyonce performed in front of a giant screen blazoned with the word “Feminist” in huge lettering. She
China’s leader tells Arab leaders that Israel’s war on Gaza ‘should not continue indefinitely’, pledges more aid.Chinese President Xi Jinping has called
Athens, Greece – As noted in his autopsy, 30-year-old Baris Buyuksu had several tattoos. On the inside of his left arm was the invocation, “be patient”, i
A volcano in southwestern Iceland has erupted for the fifth time this year. It is Sundhnukagigar’s most powerful eruption since the volcanic system became act
Israeli tanks have rolled into Rafah’s city centre and its army announced that it now controls the entire Philadelphi Corridor, the strip of land that runs al
About 28 million voters were registered to vote in national and provincial elections.Millions of South Africans went to the polls on May 29 for national and pro
The military alliance’s foreign ministers are due to meet in Prague to prepare an aid package for Ukraine ahead of NATO’s July summit.NATO foreign ministers
The death occurred on the apron outside the hub’s terminal as the KLM flight was getting ready to depart to Denmark.A person has died after falling into the s