Friday's wave of global IT outages, which affected CrowdStrike customers who use Windows products, has led to more than 1,100 flight cancelations and hundreds o
Years after leaving Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New York City, Heather Thomson is now a Certified Integrative Hea
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PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- A wave of internet technology outages swept across the globe overnight, upending operations at airports worldwide.The trouble began with
Plans for a major travel center at the former Ames Plaza site in Steuben County are progressing. Quicklee’s, based in Avon, aims to build a 48-room hotel, fue
Investing in luxury real estate at popular travel destinations is a growing trend as real estate investors seek to diversify their portfolios beyond the traditi
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - More than half a million.That’s how many travelers the Omaha Airport Authority said flew in and out this past June, breaking the record s
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This City Was Named The Most Cost Effective Travel Destination In Michigan (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Im
After years of well-intentioned discussions and sound bites from politicians and the aviation sector about improving the safety, accessibility and d
Delta has resumed some flight departures after a vendor technology issue impacted several airlines and businesses around the world. That issue necessitated a pa