An 8-year-old gelding with 40 career races has died after suffering a racing injury at Los Alamitos, state horse racing officials reported Sunday.“Th
In the end, history was achieved in the most impressive way imaginable.Romantic Warrior became the first horse to win the Group 1, US$5.1 million Hong Kong Cup
Photo: Japan Racing Association Arma Veloce earned her first graded-stakes victory and Japan’s 2-year-old fillies championship title
Photo: Remington Park & Los Alamitos They may not have produced Kentucky Derby winners, but two regional stakes this week carry th
Photo: Eclipse Sportswire composite While it may be too early to pick out one horse to win the Grade 1 Kentucky Oaks in 2025, it app
1/ST BET Horse Racing Predictions from Los Alamitos: We are excited to announce a renewed partnership with the fine folks and handicappers at 1/ST BET. Jer
by Murray Brown One morning last week, I received a post regarding a possible broodmare prospect. The sender cited several positive factors including gait,
Photo: Hong Kong Jockey Club TV Sha Tin is the place for Hong Kong International Races on Saturday at 11:25 p.m. EST, and it is where
Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Flavien Prat notched his 80th stakes victory of the year on Saturday, winning the $250,000 Remsen at Aqueduct to s
Photo: Scott Serio / Eclipse Sportswire Twenty-five stakes worth more than $2.6 million in total purses were announced by the new Mary
For jockey Flavien Prat, it was an unforgettable trifecta. In one fell swoop, he managed to break the record for stakes wins in a year, tie the mark for m
Imagination, who won the Grade 2 San Felipe in March for trainer Bob Baffert, posted a bullet Saturday morning at Santa Anita. His five-furlong time of 59.4 se