(Credit: iStock/Getty Images; art: CBC Life)Are you ready to break free from your self-imposed limitations? You'll be in a prime position to do so when the spi
Hi folks! I’m Deb with Queerstrology, here to share your horoscopes for Aquarius Season and the first full zodiac season of 2025
See what the stars have in store—sign up for Teen Vogue's astrology newsletter The weekly horoscope ahead is an intense one. On Sunday, January 19, the Sun m
Aquarius season starts midwinter, on January 19, and ends on February 18, when the sun glides into Pisces. The month ahead is going to be full of entrepreneuria
This day can cause slight irritation as things that hinder you come in between, making you a little bit all over the place. This is a wake-up call from the un
Astrologer and Cut columnist
Moon of Shared HumanityUnder the harmonious Libra moon, we honor Martin Luther King Jr., whose dream of equality and justice continues to inspire. Like the moon
Open this photo in gallery:CapricorniStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYDo you believe in the power of positive thinking? Well you sho
Number 1 (Born on 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th)Today, Number 1, your leadership and confidence are your strengths, but the stars say be careful how you go about i
Aries: This week, you are encouraged to turn your attention to home, which is calming and provides stability. Dealing with lingering problems with patience wi
Your ancestors have something to share, Taurus. They guide you to consciously drop your struggles, and choose the easier path forward f