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California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a new law that will eliminate all plastic shopping bags from grocery stores by 2026. This law expands on previous regulations and stands as a firm commitment to environmental sustainability.
Source: ABC7/YouTube
Previously, California had banned thinner plastic bags, allowing only thicker, “reusable” plastic bags for a fee. However, these were rarely reused or recycled effectively, contributing to an increase in plastic waste. According to a state study, plastic bag waste per person has risen significantly, from 8 pounds in 2004 to 11 pounds in 2021.
The recent legislation, championed by State Sen. Catherine Blakespear and other environmental advocates, aims to curb this rising trend by removing all plastic options from checkout lines. Shoppers will instead be encouraged to bring their own reusable bags or opt for paper bags.
This new measure has been praised by environmental groups like Oceana, highlighting its potential to protect marine life and reduce plastic Pollution along California’s coastline. Christy Leavitt, Oceana’s plastics campaign director, commended the state for leading the charge against plastic Pollution.
California’s approach is part of a broader movement, with twelve states already implementing statewide bans on plastic bags and many cities across the country adopting similar policies. The passage of this law reaffirms California’s role as a pioneer in environmental legislation, recalling Newsom’s earlier initiative as San Francisco’s mayor in 2007, where he enacted the nation’s first ban on plastic bags.
The California Public Interest Research Group has also supported this advancement, emphasizing the detrimental effects of plastic on both the environment and public health. This law marks a significant step towards achieving the original goals set nearly a decade ago, aiming to eliminate a major source of Pollution and promote a healthier, cleaner environment.
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