Family can be the ultimate safety net, but old grudges have a way of tangling things up.
When one brother loses his cushy tech job, he implores his other brother for help, but his arrogant past may be too much to forget.
Read on for the full story.
I have a brother who was laid off his software job almost a year ago.
He hasn’t found anything yet and has been crying on LinkedIn for people to help him.
He tried Uber and food delivery and hated it.
His brother had some tough advice for him that he refused to follow.
I told him months ago to dumb down his resume for either retail or fast food, but he still uses his tech resume because he thinks it impresses people.
After a year of searching, it clearly doesn’t.
He’s asking me to move in because he has to sell his home before it goes into foreclosure.
The brother wasn’t going to let this slide – especially after being mistreated for so many years.
I told him no because he has always looked down on me getting married and neither of us having fancy tech jobs with benefits.
My wife thinks my brother is an arrogant player because, when he was at the height of his career, he would always bring his latest flavor of the month around.
My wife had to pretend to be nice, but not get to close to these women because she knew how my brother was.
So he tries to offer other alternatives, which his brother refuses to accept.
I told my brother that he just needs to get a small apartment.
He said cheaper apartments are now like $2,500 a month and he’s just throwing that money away at that point.
I told him my family life is crazy with the 3 kids and it would be crazy to have him move in with all his stuff.
The two still can’t agree on a reasonable path forward.
My brother thought he could buy a shed and store some things in the garage until he gets on his feet.
He told me the commute is going to be crazy from my place but I have to understand he has already weighed the pros and cons and he can can make it work.
I told him I weighed the pros and cons and it’s not going to, so when he sells his home, he needs to find another place to live because he’s not moving in with me.
They both exchange more choice words.
He told me he’d remember this because I didn’t help him when he was down and at his lowest.
I told him I don’t remember him ever helping us at our lowest, so maybe my brother is getting a visit from karma.
This story is why they always tell you to never burn bridges.
What did Reddit have to say?
With such a troubled past, moving in together was never a real option.
This redditor believes the man’s attitude towards his brother was unkind, regardless of whether he let his brother move in.
This commenter had a mixed reaction to the story.
This commenter wonders if the man is really enjoying his brother’s misfortune.
Neither brother handled the situation perfectly, and they’re both learning lessons the hard way.
It’s not just the job search that needs rethinking, but their entire brotherly relationship.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
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