Be wise about money and do not spend more than you earn. It is time to take a practical look at your budget, savings, and investments. Do not spend money on a w
Be truthful to people. This is a good time for making up and forgiving, clearing misunderstandings and quarrels, and restoring friendly relations with people. F
Pisces – (19th February to 20th March)Monthly Horoscope Prediction says, Embrace Growth and Balance This July This month, Pisces will find harmony in love
Aquarius – (20th January to 18th February)Monthly Horoscope Prediction says, Embrace Change and New Opportunities July brings transformation and growth fo
Capricorn – (22nd December to 19th January)Monthly Horoscope Prediction says, A Month of Growth and Balance July brings balance in relationships, career g
Emotions guide interactions, prioritize stability in work and finances, maintain a healthy diet for overall well-being.This is a good time to attend to any fami
Sagittarius – (22nd November to 21st December)Monthly Horoscope Prediction says, Optimism and Opportunities Await You This July, Sagittarius can expect po
Scorpio – (23rd October to 21st November)Monthly Horoscope Prediction says, Unveil Your Inner Strength and Transformations July brings personal growth and
S Jaishankar was received at the airport by Chief of Protocol Ibrahim Fakhroo.Doha: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Sunday met Qatar's Prime Minister
Libra - (23rd September to 22nd October)Monthly Horoscope Prediction says, Embrace Balance and Harmony in July This July, Libras can anticipate a month fill
Virgo – (23rd August to 22nd September) Monthly Horoscope Prediction says,Embrace New Beginnings and Inner Growth July brings opportunities for personal g
You’re still in a stronger position than many people, even if it doesn’t feel like it, and should therefore survive any mini-crises this week, including the