Black men were front and center at the Cedric The Entertainer’s Classic, with players including: Smokey Robinson, Sugar Ray Leonard, Malik Whitfield, Byron Scott, David Justice, Marcellus Wiley, Jimmy Rollins, Brooklyn McLinn, Gary Sheffield, Pete Shaw, and Adrian Holmes.
Cedric The Entertainment shared his gratitude with The Root and how he is truly in awe of how much support the event has gotten over the years.
“I mean, anybody knows who does one of these events knows it takes a great deal of support. We are really happy to have Lexus with us from the very beginning and now to year 11. Man, it’s just a celebration of the work that we try to do, how we try to give back. It is about being an example for young people to see how you can give back to your community.”
There. I’ve said it. Judge me if you like, but I really think that if more male golfers left their egos in the car park and played off the red tees, everyone
They didn’t have much, but they could create. Money was tight for the family, so they built their own board games growing up in Saskatchewan, Canada. One year
One of the oldest golf courses in Brunswick County is one swing closer to reopening after nearly eight years of closure.The town of Shallotte granted a specia
Watersound Club in Panama City, Florida, will open The Third, a new 18-hole course by Love Golf Design, on 20 March. The design team – founde