Forearm plank with reach
How to:
- Start in a forearm plank with arms resting on round side of Bosu ball and elbows under shoulders.
- Extend right arm out to tap floor in front of body.
- Return to start and repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
Mountain climbers

How to:
- Start in a high plank with hands gripping flat side of Bosu ball and round part on floor.
- Keep shoulders over wrists while alternating between driving left and right knee toward chest. That’s 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
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Single-leg glute bridge

How to:
- Start lying on back with arms at sides, right leg bent at 90 degrees, heel resting on round side of Bosu ball, and left leg extended straight in air at 45-degree angle.
- Keep knees in line with one another and hips level, press through right heel, squeeze glutes, and lift hips up until body forms straight line from shoulder to knees.
- Lower back to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.
Sit up

How to:
- Start in a seated position with feet flat on floor, tailbone and lower back resting on round side of Bosu ball, upper body curled toward knees, hands behind head, and elbows wide.
- Arch upper body back over surface of ball until shoulder blades touch it.
- Then, engage abs to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
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Plank jack

How to:
- Start in a high plank with balls of feet resting on round side of Bosu ball and wrists under shoulders.
- Step right foot down to the floor on the side of the Bosu, then the left.
- Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
Side plank

How to:
- Start lying on right side with legs together and extended straight on mat, left foot on top of right, torso upright, right forearm resting in center of round side of ball, and left resting on ball in front of body.
- Press right forearm down into Bosu ball, lift hips off floor until body forms straight line from head to heels, and raise left arm toward ceiling at shoulder height.
- Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
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How to:
- Start in a high plank with hands on flat side of Bosu ball and round part on floor. (Modify with knees on floor.)
- Bring shoulders in front of wrists while bending elbows until they reach 90 degrees.
- Press through palms and return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
Glute bridge

How to:
- Start lying on back with arms at sides and legs bent at 90 degrees, heels resting on round side of Bosu ball.
- Press through feet and lift hips up off the floor to create a long diagonal line from shoulders to hips to knees.
- Squeeze glutes at the top and draw abs in to avoid overextending the spine.
- Slowly lower back down to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 to 12 reps.
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Plank leg lift

How to:
- Start in a forearm plank with forearms resting on round side of Bosu ball.
- Lift right leg up to hip height, keeping it straight.
- Lower back down to start and repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 to 12 reps.

How to:
- Start in a high plank with hands gripping flat side of Bosu ball and round part on floor.
- Jump forward into a squat position, feet framing outside of Bosu ball.
- Rise to stand, lifting Bosu ball off floor, pressing it up overhead at top.
- Reverse movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
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Split squat

How to:
- Start standing with hands clasped in front of chest, right leg forward and slightly bent, and left leg resting on round side of Bosu ball, heel high.
- Slowly lower down until left knee is a few inches off the ground.
- Press through right foot to rise back to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 to 12 reps on each side.
Shoulder taps

How to:
- Start in a high plank with feet wider than shoulders and hands on top of round side of Bosu ball.
- Tap right hand to left shoulder.
- Replace right hand on ball.
- Then tap left hand to right shoulder.
- Replace left hand on ball. That’s 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
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Boat pose

How to:
- Start seated on top of Bosu ball with hands resting on it behind glutes (fingers facing body), and legs together, bent at 90 degrees.
- Lift legs into the air so shins are parallel to floor.
- Extend arms out straight in front of body.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Chest press

How to:
- Start resting head and shoulders on round side of Bosu ball, arms bent at 90 degrees, elbows wide, holding a pair of dumbbells, legs bent, feet flat on floor, hips lifted so body forms one straight line from shoulders to knees.
- Maintain the hips elevated position and engage abs and press arms up straight over chest.
- Lower arms back to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 to 12 reps.
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Side squat

How to:
- Start standing next to Bosu ball (round side facing up) with feet together and hands at sides.
- Step right leg out until foot lands on center of Bosu ball, lower down into a squat, and bring hands to clasp in front of chin.
- Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.
Sabrina is an editorial assistant for Women’s Health. When she’s not writing, you can find her running, training in mixed martial arts, or reading.
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