Pokémon is a wondrous world where fantastical creatures can make the impossible into reality. There are dozens of amazing jobs where trainers can live out their dreams however they please. They can perform in Pokémon Contests or snap rare photos of Pokémon as a photographer. The possibilities seem endless.
However, not all jobs in the Pokémon world are good. In fact, some downright suck. Pokémon may seem cool and fun, but no one in that world should ignore just how dangerous they can be. These ten jobs would be the worst to be stuck with in the Pokémon world.
10 Pokémon Anime Opening Titles That Are Just As Good As the Original (If Not Better)
The Pokemon anime has some opening themes that are both nostalgic and iconic.
Being a Pokémon Professor doesn’t sound so bad at first. These trainers get to be surrounded by Pokémon all day as they learn more about the world they live in. That’s perfectly fine if researchers are studying something cute and cuddly like an Eevee or a Minccino.
However, it becomes a lot more dangerous when studying Pokémon like Muk or Lycanroc, which can cause serious harm. If a Muk gets clingy, the professor might come down with some serious poisoning. If they study Pokémon moves, they may be foolish enough to study attacks by personally taking them. This job gets a lot less cool when trainers realize just how dangerous it can be.
Being in a customer service job is rough in any world. Rude customers make an already long shift seem infinitely longer. Their demands only make things harder.
10 Coolest Jobs in the Pokemon World (That Aren’t Being a Trainer)
Not everyone actually wants to use their Pokemon in battles. Everyone views these magical creatures differently.
It only gets worse in the Pokemon world, where PokeMart attendants have to deal with even more ridiculous demands. Imagine having to give out fifty Ultraballs, 5 Premier Balls, plus a handful of potions and battle items. That’s not even getting into TMs either. No thanks. Fans would rather find a different job.
Working at a Pokémon Gym may seem like a dream come true. These trainers get to practice their Pokémon battling skills with their favorite types whenever they want. There’s no end to the challengers they get to face.
However, this job gets infinitely less cool when one realizes these trainers are simply there to test challengers before they move on to face the gym leader. They’re there specifically to lose. It has to be discouraging to face challenger after challenger with Pokémon of a specific level and type, knowing full well that they’ll lose time and time again because that’s what they were hired for.
Tech geniuses may love to take on computer programming in the Pokémon world. It would be exciting to have one’s very own PC that everyone can see and appreciate them for. However, programming isn’t as easy as typing in lines of code and testing them in this world. It gets more dangerous than that.
Pokémon Anime Fans Don’t Want To Hear It, But Ash Ketchum Was Never The Very Best Trainer
Ash Ketchum might be the greatest Trainer in the Pokémon anime, but the best of the franchise is actually another Trainer from Pallet Town.
Pokémon fans shouldn’t forget Bill, who helped create the PC system in Kanto and Johto. While testing how Pokémon get transferred from one location to another, Bill accidentally was mind swapped with a Pokémon. If it hadn’t been for the kind hero to set things right, Bill might have been stuck in a Pokémon’s body for the rest of his life.
In the real world, dangerous gangs like the mafia or yakuza are something to be feared. However, in the Pokémon world, the opposite couldn’t be more true. While villainous teams like Team Rocket and Team Galactic try to take over the world or make money, their grunts face the brunt and frustration of their job.
Teams in the Pokémon world are almost always defeated by a child setting off on their very own Pokémon journey. While those like Officer Jenny and the Secret Police struggle to take them down, kids who are only about 10-years-old take down Team Grunts in droves. That has to get discouraging after a while, as if dealing with one’s cruel boss isn’t bad enough.
While evil teams have their own troubles to handle, the same can be said of the police officers trying to keep their respective regions safe. Team Rocket has a crime ring, while Team Flare is trying to destroy the world to make it beautiful. Those are some huge threats to deal with.
10 Real Jobs Pokémon Could Do Better Than Humans
Pokémon have useful skills that make them good replacements for humans in certain jobs.
However, these police officers deal with more than just evil humans on a daily basis. They also have to struggle against Pokémon. For example, in Alola, there was a group of mischievous Ditto who would impersonate others, getting them into trouble. Even the police were infiltrated by one of these gelatinous Pokémon troublemakers. With both humans and Pokémon to deal with, officers have their hands full with double the trouble.
At first glance, a Gym Leader’s job is simply to take on challengers and test their might to see if they’re capable of taking on the Elite Four. They may lose from time to time, but that’s just part of their job. Not every trainer can beat a Gym Leader, and they know that.
However, it’s also a Gym Leader’s job to keep their region safe in a time of crisis. When the Darkest Day returned in Galar, the Gym Leaders had to handle the aftermath of Eternatus being released and messing with the Dynamax Spots across the region. When Team Plasma tried to take over Unova, the Gym Leaders headed to their airship to fight against the strongest Team Plasma members to make way for the up-and-coming new champion who bested them all.
Few forget their first time in Lavender Town. The creepy music sets the tone for the only place in Kanto with a Pokémon graveyard: a tower sticking high into the sky and filled to the brim with ghosts. Ghostly hands appear on people’s shoulders. Unexplainable things occur in the town, but mostly in the graveyard known as Pokémon Tower.
Pokémon’s Lavender Town Was Responsible for One of Gaming’s Creepiest Mysteries
Pokemon is pervasive in popular culture and it has generated a number of urban myths over the last 25 years. Lavender Town Syndrome is the creepiest
Inside, Channelers try to handle the threats making visiting the dearly departed dangerous, but it doesn’t always work out in their favor. Sometimes, these channelers are possessed by the very Ghost Pokémon they’re trying to ward off. That’s what they get for messing with the supernatural in such a haunted place.
It’s hard to think of a fantasy-fulfilling place like the world of Pokémon as one with the same struggles as the real world, but Pokémon lore proves that this world can be just as rough. Wars between regions have raged for centuries. Even Kanto’s Electric-type Gym Leader, Lt. Surge, fought during a war and well-respected by his peers and subordinates.
Lt. Surge had to face off on the battlefield as a soldier with his Electric-type Pokémon. He might not have made it out without them by his side. War is already dangerous enough in the real world. Pokémon may aid those on the battlefield, but they are just as likely to be a dangerous foe as well. It’ll take more than a little luck to survive a war of this magnitude. In Kalos’s past, the danger was so great many lost their lives instead.
While some theorize that this world can hold parallel universes, it’s never been proven true. However, in the Pokemon world, it has. Some members of the Secret Police have been thrown out of their own home universe into a similar one with some key differences. Both Looker and Anabel were two agents removed from the place they called home.
However, their lives only get more dangerous from there. They’ve lost many of their memories and even their partner Pokemon who once aided them in their home world. The threats they face can come from anywhere, including outer space and intergalactic wormholes, and are just as powerful as Legendary Pokemon. Despite this, these agents bravely face the threats coming their way to keep anyone else from being displaced like they have.
Ash Ketchum, his yellow pet Pikachu, and his human friends explore a world of powerful creatures.
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