Garfield is famously one of the laziest cartoon characters in the history of fiction. Throughout his history, Garfield has exhibited his laziness in comic strips where he’s sleeping his days away (while being criticized by Jon for doing so), and one that even shows Garfield losing interest in blinking and deciding to simply keep his eyes shut. Indeed, Garfield’s laziness truly knows no bounds, but there is one exception to Garfield’s aversion to physical activity: golf.
Whether he’s playing it himself or spending the day outside watching Jon play, Garfield has a well-charted interest in golf. Of course, in true Garfield fashion, the fat orange cat usually spends his time on the back nine poking fun at Jon, or finding decidedly unique (and definitely annoying) ways to play the game himself. However, at the end of the day, Garfield’s interest in golf remains, no matter how that interest may manifest in any given comic. And out of them all, these are the 10 funniest Garfield comics about golf!
There’re countless comic strips out there for readers to enjoy, but only a handful of classics, & some of them just turned 30. Here’s the 10 funniest!
During one of Garfield and Jon’s golf days, Garfield is watching Jon tee off from behind a mound. After Jon hits the ball, he starts freaking out, as he accidentally struck an elderly woman in the head with the ball and knocked her out cold. Jon doesn’t know what to do, resorting to asking Garfield for advice. While Garfield does, indeed, give him advice, it has nothing to do with how to help the old lady. Instead, Garfield just gives Jon tips on how he can improve his golf game.
Garfield doesn’t care about the person Jon accidentally injured in the slightest, as his mind is only focused on the game. While Garfield is a famously apathetic cat, it seems golf truly brings out the worst in him.
Sometimes, Garfield has golf on his mind even when he’s nowhere near the green, applying his acquired skills to the one thing Garfield loves doing more than anything else (including golf): pranking Jon. Standing on the counter next to a big spider that made its way into the house, Garfield takes one of his golf clubs and whacks the spider right into Jon’s coffee mug. Garfield then celebrates making “A hole in one!“, while Jon looks down in horror at the spider that just plopped in his coffee.
Garfield will never miss an opportunity to mess with Jon, and in this case, he gets to combine two of the things he loves most in the world, as Garfield uses his golfing skills to prank his hapless owner.
When Jon decides to bring both Garfield and Odie to the golf course one day, he spends most of the time there fussing at his pets for misbehaving, as opposed to actually playing golf. While he’s yelling at Garfield and Odie, another golfer approaches Jon. He asks Jon if he could please exercise proper golf etiquette while on the course. Assuming the other golfer is referring to how much he’s been yelling at his pets, Jon apologizes for their behavior. However, that’s not what the other golfer was talking about, as it seemed Jon’s ridiculous outfit was the real problem.
Golfing attire has always been mocked or parodied for being loud and outlandish, but it seems even in the cartoon world of Garfield, Jon took his look a bit too far.
It seems other golfers aren’t the only ones who have a problem with Jon’s golfing attire, as Garfield wholeheartedly agrees that his owner looks absolutely ridiculous. When Jon tells Garfield that they’re going to play golf, Garfield leaves his owner for a moment to go get a brown paper bag to put over his head. Indeed, Garfield jokes that Jon looks like a clown before getting the paper bag, and when it becomes clear that Jon intends to go out in public with that outfit on, Garfield decides that he cannot be seen with him.
The shame Garfield feels for being associated with Jon while he’s dressed the way he is is absolutely hysterical. But more than that, it proves how much Garfield truly does love golf, as he’s still willing to go with Jon, he just needs to be wearing a bag over his head.
It seems some of Jon’s golfing outfits are so bad, that not even a paper bag over his head can shield Garfield from the shame of being seen with him – and this is one of those outfits. As Garfield is lying in bed, Jon tells him that they are about to go play golf, and the lazy cat actually gets excited about heading to the course (further proving his love of the game). However, after seeing what Jon is wearing, Garfield’s love of golf quickly diminishes.
Not only is Garfield sitting out this round of golf because of the shame Jon’s outfit brings him, but he says that he’d literally “rather stay in the room and watch the sink back up” than be seen in public with him. At this point, it seems clear that Jon needs to update his wardrobe.
For Garfield’s birthday one year, Jon decides to nurture the cat’s love of golf by gifting him his own set of clubs. Right after giving the golf clubs to Garfield, Jon asks to borrow them. While Garfield does so he can, he also says that Jon can only borrow them after he’s done with them, and it’s clear by the last panel that Garfield is going to use his clubs for golf.
Garfield chases Jon around with one of his new clubs, threatening to beat him with it if Jon tries to take them for himself. Indeed, Garfield may have taken his love of golf a bit too far this time, resorting to violence in the name of protecting his new clubs.
In part 1 of a 3-part story arc, Jon takes his long-time love interest, Liz, out for a minigolf date – and Garfield tags along. At the start of the date, Jon tries to impress Liz by breaking out his personal putter that’s kept in its own little case. However, upon taking the putter out of the case, Jon finds that it’s a bit smaller than he remembers, as it was the same putter he used when he was a child, leaving him a bit embarrassed.
Of course, Garfield doesn’t miss the chance to rub salt in the wound by commenting on Jon’s pathetic display, saying that Jon got this putter when he was, “a wee little nerdlet“. Jon’s misfortune is always hilarious to witness, especially with Garfield’s priceless commentary at his expense.
In part 2 of this 3-part story arc, Jon tries to coach Liz on how to properly play minigolf. In the previous strip, Liz says that she’s never played before, while Jon reveals that he considers himself a bit of a pro (before the humiliation of the tiny putter, anyway). So, when Liz goes to putt, Jon offers her some pointers in an attempt to be romantic. However, it seems Liz doesn’t need any tips, as she manages to hit a hole in one on her first hole – and Jon can barely hold back his frustration.
Rather than being happy for Liz, Jon’s ego turns her accomplishment into further embarrassment, as she so easily excels at a game Jon has been playing for years. To calm his owner down, Garfield tells him, “It’s only a game“, though Jon’s golf-induced toxicity has barely even begun to show itself.
In part 3 of this 3-part story arc, Jon utterly ruins his date with Liz by completely losing his cool while playing minigolf. Following Liz’s hole in one, Jon goes to putt, only to have his ball knocked away by one of the obstacles, which sends the ball rolling all the way to the parking lot. Jon screams in a fit of rage, “Stupid giant bunny rabbit!” while shaking his putter like a mad man. Meanwhile, Liz’s facial expression makes it clear that she’s had about enough of this date, with almost no possibility of a second.
For someone who loves golf as much as Jon (a love that was clearly inherited by Garfield), he’s not very good at putt-putt, and he’s even worse at making sure his date is having a good time, as he easily succumbs to golf-induced rage.
While no one would blame Liz for never talking to Jon again after that absolutely atrocious minigolf date, it seems she isn’t as done with him as her face suggested during his bout of golf-induced rage. Some time later, Jon invites Liz over to his place, and he asks her what she would like to do. Liz replies, “Why don’t we watch golf on TV together?“, and Jon’s reaction to that is, “Okay, I’m gonna cry now“.
Liz knows that Jon loves golf, and by expressing interest in his interest, she’s showing him that she really likes him (even if their previous date was a disaster). Funny enough, Jon and Liz are currently in a relationship in Garfield canon, and this comic strip proves they were meant to be all along – and it’s all thanks to golf.
Garfield is the central character in Jim Davis’s comic strip, which officially began in 1978 under the same name. Garfield is an orange tabby cat with a love of lasagna and a disdain for Mondays. He tends to torment his owner and dog while trying to secure more food – and quiet.
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