In the Pokémon world, it seems like everyone wants to become a Pokémon trainer. Those who reach higher even want to become Pokémon Masters. However, Pokémon has a diverse world full of people with different jobs and dreams. Not everyone actually wants to use their Pokémon in battles. Everyone views these magical creatures differently. As Professor Oak said in the original Pokémon games, “For some people, Pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself… I study Pokémon as a profession.”
Though this world is full of over a thousand different Pokémon, everyone sees these potential friends as something different. For some, they may have Pokémon to aid them in their art. Others want to help Pokémon and trainers in their own way. Others want to learn more about how Pokémon work and interact with the world around them. There are as many views about what Pokémon can be as there are different people, and that’s part of Pokémon‘s charm.
Just like in real life, Pokémon has its fair share of content creators. Some, like Raihan, flood their social media with selfies they take. Others, like Iono and Nidothing, provide information in a fun and engaging way that helps others understand their vast world a little bit better. There’s always something new to learn in the Pokémon world, and content creators help make that job a little bit easier.
Of course, other content creators, like Raihan, use their content to help hype up the Galar league and its many Pokémon battles instead, as well as gain popularity. Whatever the case, the Pokémon world is always changing, with frequent new topics to learn about. Whether that’s the next best battle or some personal tips on being a trainer doesn’t matter. Content creators each help in their own way.
There are now over a thousand different Pokémon in existence, each with their own unique appearance and charm. Fashion designers in the Pokémon world draw inspiration from the creatures inhabiting their world, thus creating amazing outfits for models to look their best in. However, each model has their own unique style.
10 Real Jobs Pokémon Could Do Better Than Humans
Pokémon have useful skills that make them good replacements for humans in certain jobs.
Nessa, the Water-type Gym Leader from Galar, has a more sporty and cool look that fans adore. Meanwhile, Tulip is the Psychic-type Gym Leader from the Paldea region. Besides her work as a model, she doubles as a makeup artist. Unlike Nessa, Tulip’s style is more avant-gard and feminine. She breaks the mold with her unique fashion. Any look is possible with Pokémon as a guide.
Over the years, Pokémon has showcased plenty of art, although some were too pixelated to properly appreciate. Statues were built. Paintings came to life. Art museums, like the Lilycove Museum, showcase artists’ pieces, even if their styles change over the years.
Just like in the real world, artists struggle with artists’ block holding them back, even with the inspiration Pokémon provides. Brassius struggled with finding his way in the art world until the Pokémon Sunflora brought him back to his roots. Now, he creates plenty of art based on Grass-type Pokémon. Mina, from the Alola region, doesn’t seem to have any struggles with artists’ block, but she is an artist just like Brassius.
People have to eat in the Pokémon world. That’s where cooks come into play. Luckily, these chefs have plenty of ingredients to work with, especially when Pokémon are involved. Alcremie and Milcery can provide cream. Vespiquen and Combee have honey galore. Even the Applin line is tied to apples.
10 Best Pokémon Designs Based on Food, Ranked
The wide world of Pokémon features many different species throughout the various regions, with some even being based on delicious foods.
There are several kinds of chefs in the Pokémon world. Murdock from the Rising Volt Tacklers and Katy, Paldea’s Bug-type Gym Leader, specialize in desserts and pastries. Kofu, the Water-type Gym Leader in Paldea, works with seafood. Meanwhile, Mallow, the Grass-type Trial Captain from the Alola region, prefers to work with natural ingredients. There are as many different types of chefs in the Pokémon world as there are different types of ingredients.
Pokémon can be a musical bunch. Chatot can copy other voices it hears. Pokémon like Jigglypuff can sing, even if it puts their audience to sleep. There are even Pokémon like Azumarill that know belly drum, adding percussion in their own way. It’s only natural that some trainers would feel inspired by the music their Pokémon create and want to rock out themselves.
However, just like there are different genres in real life, not all musicians in Pokémon use the same type of Pokémon. Piers is the Dark-type Gym Leader from Galar. Fans assume he rocks out to heavy metal with his KISS-inspired Pokémon. Ryme is a Gym Leader from Paldea who specializes in Ghost-type Pokémon and rap music. There are also the Guitarist and Musician classes in the games that specialize either in sound-based Pokémon or Electric-types. Thanks to Pokémon, all kinds of music are possible.
Whenever Pokémon get hurt, Pokémon Centers are there to help. Trainers can take their injured Pokémon there to heal and rest up. They used to have their own buildings in earlier Pokémon games and in the anime, but the games have since combined PokéMarts with Pokémon Centers, letting trainers get supplies while recovering their Pokémon’s health.
Pokémon: Everything You Didn’t Know About Nurse Joy & Her Sisters
Nurse joy and her sisters have dedicated their lives to helping Pokémon heal as fast as possible, but here’s what you might not know about them.
Specialized nurses can help specific Pokémon with various ailments they’re struggling with, although Pokémon Breeders and Rangers are more likely to do so. Primarily, nurses and doctors work in Pokémon Centers to do their job, although some take to the field and heal trainers’ Pokémon after a good battle. They typically use “nurse-like” Pokémon such as Chansey, Audino, and Indeedee.
While many Pokémon trainers travel around the world to uncover Pokémon few others have caught, Pokémon photographers do something similar. They travel the Pokémon world in order to capture rare Pokémon sights that few have ever seen before. Some do this for money, while others simply enjoy it as a pastime. Todd Snap was the original Pokémon photographer. He debuted in episode 55 of the anime, “Pokémon Paparazzi”, and even traveled with Ash’s team for a little while.
His popularity led to the game Pokémon Snap being created for the N64. It later received a sequel for the Nintendo Switch. While Todd takes photos of any rare sight he comes across, other photographers tend to focus on a specific type of Pokémon. For example, Viola is the Bug-type Gym Leader in Kalos and, thus, naturally focuses her attention on Bug-type Pokémon. However, whatever the case, some Pokémon photographers get to go to places no one has seen before in order to capture Pokémon on film.
When trainers begin their Pokémon journey, they often have to meet a Pokémon Professor. This professor gives these fledgling trainers their first Pokémon before letting them set out on their journey. Usually, this Pokémon is a Grass, Water, or Fire-type Pokémon called a starter Pokémon, although some trainers start with a different Pokémon.
The 10 Most Iconic Pokémon Professors, Ranked
These Pokémon professors are dedicated to furthering the information about the world of Pokémon.
In addition to helping young trainers begin their Pokémon journey, Pokémon professors spend their time researching Pokémon to uncover the mysteries surrounding them. Each professor has their own field of study, differentiating them from the rest. Professor Elm, for example, researches Pokémon breeding, while Professor Kukui will take the brunt of Pokémon moves in order to better study them. Many of these professors are also named after trees, although some professors don’t follow this trend.
The Hoenn games introduced a new way for trainers to interact with their Pokémon: Pokémon Contests. There, coordinators work with their Pokémon to put on amazing shows to wow judges and win prizes. Pokémon moves are separated into different categories, like “cool” or “cute”, leading coordinators to raise their Pokémon to fit into the category they’re competing in.
Although Ash’s original companion, Misty, was a competent battler like he was, many of his other female friends tried their hand at Pokémon contests. May, Dawn, and Serena all dressed up and worked with their Pokémon to stun the judges with their stage presence. Some coordinators even perform with their Pokémon, instead of letting the Pokémon take center stage while they give orders. If someone in the Pokémon world is trying for stardom, being a Pokémon Coordinator is the way to go.
Everyone needs a holiday from time to time, even in the Pokémon World. The clay animation spin-off series Pokémon Concierge helped show what happens on those vacations. There, trainers can relax while their Pokémon are free to roam as they see fit. Pokémon Concierges are there to monitor Pokémon to make sure they’re having a good time. So long as they do that, they’re doing an excellent job.
This job isn’t about schedules or creating fancy PowerPoints. All that matters is having a good time with the Pokémon around the resort, creating a relaxing experience for both the humans and the Pokémon. This Pokémon world job is best for people burned out from the constant pressures of life. There, surrounded by the resort’s natural beauty, they can find the peace they were missing all along.
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